Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

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Department ofBotany

Anigozanthos viridis, photo by R.A. Howard

Featured Presentations

Flora of the West Indies

Bromelia pinguin

The West Indies are an archipelago with more than one thousand islands that separate the Atlantic Ocean from the Caribbean Sea. This website presents a checklist of the currently accepted scientific names of seed plants from the West Indies, including synonomy and distribution by island.

Georeferencing Plants of the Guiana Shield

Google Earth placemark for a specimen from Guyana.

Type specimens in the U.S. National Herbarium from the Guiana Shield region have been georeferenced and a Google Map display and Google Earth placemarks are provided. A discussion of the methodology for determining coordinates for older specimens is presented.

Search this site for plant names.

Looking for a specific plant? Enter a generic name in the 'Finding Information' box in the right column and discover which species are covered in each of our 13 online research and image databases.


Links to Botany's national and international partners in research, collections, training, and public outreach.

U.S. Botanic Garden of Washington DC logo for U.S. Botanic Garden
Plant Talk -- Supporting Plant Conservation Worldwide logo for Plant Talk Magazine
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation logo for Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Botany and Horticulture Library, Smithsonian Institution  
Horticulture Services Division, Smithsonian Institution  

Events and Activities

The Department of Botany hosts events and activities throughout the year to explore and recognize achievements in the botanical community. The following list provides the most current of these projects.

Botany Seminar Schedule

2009 Smithsonian Botanical Symposium

Smithsonian Botanical Symposium Archive Site

Cuatrecasas Medal Award

Return of the Titan - the Titan Arum Blooms (2005)

Titan Arum Gets Cut Down to Size (2003)


NMNH - Botany Department
MRC 0166
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Phone: 202-633-0920
Fax: 202-786-2563

Chair, Department of Botany: Warren Wagner

Collections Manager: Rusty Russell

Information for Visitors

Web Site Contacts:

Sylvia Stone Orli (Web site inquiries)
Rusty Russell (botanical inquiries)

Botany Web Site Development Group: Ellen Farr (Chair), Sylvia Stone Orli, Rusty Russell, Bob Sims, Gary Krupnick

Greenhouse Highlight

Botany News

The 2009 Smithsonian Botanical Symposium, "Genes, Genomics, and Genome Evolution in Plants", will be held March 27-28, 2009, at the National Museum of Natural History.
   Visit the symposium Web site for additional information and on-line registration.

Botany Seminar Schedule

Cuatrecasas Award funds available to support research visits to the U.S. National Herbarium

October - December 2008 Plant Press Now Online

Finding Information

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