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JASH Publication Policy
(Taken from the Journal of Ag Safety and Health, Volume 1, Number 1, February 1995) PDF Version
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American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)

This interdisciplinary, refereed journal is designed to foster the identification and discussion of agricultural safety and health issues.

Your manuscript should meet all of the following requirements:

  • The material represents original, useful contributions to the agricultural safety and health literature.
  • The scope, purpose, and summary or conclusions must be stated in an objective, well-organized manner.
  • The article must emphasize aspects of safety and health relating to agriculture, or relate agricultural safety and health to other public, health or occupational fields, issues, or concerns.
  • The information must be organized in a way that allows easy adaptation and use by others. The scope, purpose, and summary must be clearly stated.

Your manuscript should also contain at least one of the following elements:

  • Original research data and analyses.
  • Results of practical experiences, tests, or trials.
  • Critical review, synthesis, or evaluation of existing information.
  • Scientifically based discussion or proposal for advancing agricultural safety and health.


Units of measure should be expressed in SI (International System of Units) if the subject matter requires their use in articles published in the Journal for Agricultural Safety and Health. ASAE EP285.7 (ASAE Standards, 41st Ed.) lists terms, symbols, and methods for conversion from customary units.


A completed Manuscript Submission Form and Copyright Transfer should accompany one original and four single-sided, double-spaced copies of your manuscript including original illustrations. Do not include an electronic version of your manuscript until the review process has been completed and your manuscript has been accepted for final publication.


ASAE prefers the submission of electronic manuscripts.

Submit your manuscript in electronic form after the editor indicates that the manuscript has been accepted for final publication. The electronic manuscript must correspond exactly to the final printed copy when both are submitted to ASAE for final publication.

The preferred storage medium is a 5.25 in. or 3.5 in. disk in either a MAC- or DOS-based format. The preferred format for submitting tables and figures is PICT; TIFF and EPS files are also acceptable. Please label the disk with the manuscript number (as assigned by ASAE), title, author(s), and the operating system and software (including version numbers) used in producing the manuscript, equations, tables, and figures.


All manuscripts must be reviewed by a minimum of three technically qualified reviewers. The steps in the review process are as follows:

  1. The author submits five, clean, single-sided, double-spaced copies of the manuscript to the ASAE manuscript coordinator. Authors must submit a completed Manuscript Submission Form and Copyright Transfer at this time. The manuscript must be reviewed by the author:s organization prior to submission. Glossy prints of illustrations or original ink or laser printed drawings are also submitted.
  2. The manuscript coordinator assigns a manuscript number and four copies are sent to the editor.
  3. The editor reviews the manuscript for relatedness to scope, criteria, etc.
  4. The editor sends four copies of the manuscript to one editorial board member.
  5. The editorial board member has the option of:
    1. peer-reviewing the manuscript and sending it out for two additional technical reviews.
    2. sending the manuscript out for three technical reviews.

  6. All reviewers return comments and recommendations along with their copy of the manuscript directly to the editor.
  7. If the manuscript is:
    1. accepted with only minor suggestions, the editor forwards final recommendations and manuscript to ASAE and notifies author of acceptance.
    2. accepted only with major revisions or rewrite, the editor sends comments, suggestions, and the manuscript back to the author for revisions. The author considers the comments and suggestions, makes necessary revisions, and returns the manuscript to the editor. If the revisions are satisfactory, the editor forwards the final recommendation and the manuscript to ASAE. The editor has the option to repeat steps 4, 5, 6, and 7.
    3. rejected, the editor returns the manuscript to the author, along with the reasons for rejection.

  8. The manuscript coordinator sends the galley proof to the author for final approval.
  9. The author returns the galley proof to ASAE.


They must be consistent with the purpose of ASAE as set forth in its Constitution and shall not contain purely speculative matter. However, scientific evidence can be used to challenge current ideas or propose new ones that will encourage progress and discussion. Published material shall be free from evident commercialism or advancement of any private interest, and shall neither obscure proper names required for an understanding of the subject matter, nor contain material that can be used to imply Society endorsement of a product, service, etc. Published material shall be free from personalities either complimentary or derogatory.

Disclaimer and Reproduction Information: Information in NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Information included in NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder. More

NASD Review: 04/2002

This document was extracted from the Journal of Ag Safety and Health (Volume 1, Number 1, February 1995).