2009 Equal Access Initiative Computer Grants Program RFP Released

2009 Equal Access Initiative Computer Grants Program RFP Released

**Click here to download the 2009 EAI Computer Program RFP brochure. **

**Click here to download the writeable EAI Computer Program RFP application. You may type in your answers on this form and submit it via e-mail at communications@nmac.org or submit via fax at (202) 234-6404.**
Applications are due February 7, 2009  - National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

The National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of AIDS Research (OAR) are pleased to announce the 2009 Equal Access Initiative (EAI) Computer Program
Recipients this year will receive the following:
One hundred (100) F/CBOs will be selected to participate in the EAI Computer Program this year. Each participant receives the following:
  • A wireless-ready computer with a pre-installed with a Windows operating system.

  • Microsoft Office software package or its equivalent.

  • Scholarship to send one representative to participate in the Equal Access Initiative: HIV/AIDS Information Resources from the National Library of Medicine training, sponsored by NLM.

    The 2009 training will take at USCA, which will be held October 29-31, 2009 in San Francisco, CA. Click here for more information about the 2009 USCA.

    Each scholarship package will include the following for one representative from each grantee organization:
    • One (1) USCA registration
    • Hotel accommodations
    • Per diem
Please note: Grant awards DO NOT include printers or furniture. Scholarship packages do NOT include airfare at this time. 

Who May Apply?

Participation in this program is restricted to community-based organizations holding current 501(c)(3) status in the United States, its territories, possessions and Native American reservations.

Individuals and organizations not located in the United States, its territories, possessions and Native American reservations and are not eligible for the EAI.

In addition, each CBO must:
  • Be committed to developing and/or expanding HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention education programming for their clients.
  • Already have established, or plan to establish, Internet access in some form. This program is intended to provide clients and staff greater access to Internet-based treatment and prevention education resources. It is not intended to supply general Internet access to the entire F/CBO.

  • Plan additional activities to help clients benefit from the new system. The new computer system should be accessible to clients and integrated into the organization’s HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs.

  • Agree to participate in a comprehensive evaluation of the EAI Computer Program by NMAC after six months. This evaluation may include requests for direct, confidential interviews with clients and staff concerning the new computer system.

  • Any F/CBO that meets the above criteria is eligible to apply; however, NMAC is targeting minority F/CBOs that could not otherwise afford broader client and frontline staff access to Internet-based treatment and prevention education resources. Geographic diversity also will be an important factor in the final selection of participants. Organizations selected to receive a computer grant must agree to participate in all NMAC and OAR Internet programs.
Please note: Organizations that received computer grants in 2008 or earlier are eligible to re-apply during this application submission period.

Additional Information
 For additional details, send an an e-mail to NMAC’s Communications Division communications@nmac.org or at (202) 483-NMAC (6622).