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Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model

Research Project: Erosion Control and Stabilization Technology for Alluvial Channels and Earthen Embankments

Location: Watershed Physical Processes Research Unit

Project Number: 6408-13000-020-06
Project Type: Specific Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 29, 2008
End Date: Sep 29, 2013

The objectives of this cooperative research are to (1) identify cost-effective solutions for protecting levees of irrigation reservoirs, streambanks, and edge-of-field gullies from accelerated erosion by hydraulic and geotechnical processes in highly erodible soils found in Mississippi and elsewhere, and (2) determine magnitude, frequency, and duration relations for sediment transport for stable streams in the southeastern United States.

ARS and the University of Mississippi will conduct field and laboratory studies of erosion processes, rates and controlling variables responsible for accelerated erosion of levees, streambanks and edge-of-field gullies. Cooperative work will utilize the facilities of the ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory to conduct tests with physical and mathematical models and document the effectiveness of various treatment alternatives that serve to dissipate erosive hydraulic energy and are cost effective. Historical flow and sediment-transport data from streams throughout the southeastern United States will be sorted by ecoregion and relative stability to determine "background" rates of suspended-sediment transport.


Project Team
Simon, Andrew
Wilson, Glenn
Wren, Daniel
Langendoen, Eddy
Bingner, Ronald - Ron
Kuhnle, Roger
Related National Programs
  Water Availability and Water Management (211)
Last Modified: 01/16/2009
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