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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Small Grains Viral Disease Laboratory
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Insect/Plant Interactions Laboratory
Host Plant Resistance to Insects Laboratory
Small Grains Fungal Disease Laboratory

Research Project: Global Bydv/cydv Sequencing Project

Location: Crop Production and Pest Control Research

Project Number: 3602-21220-010-02
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: Jun 17, 2004
End Date: Feb 14, 2008

Our goal is to determine and disseminate the complete genomic sequences of at least 100 isolates of the yellow dwarf viruses (YDVs) of cereals: Barley yellow dwarf (BYDV) and Cereal yellow dwarf (CYDV) viruses. These are the most economically important viruses of wheat, barley and oats, worldwide. They infect all cereal crops and grasses, and occur wherever cereals are grown.

The sequence diversity will be examined on both global and local scales. For the global sequencing survey, over twenty collaborators will provide us with isolates from at least 19 countries on all inhabited continents. To compare local with global sequence variation, many YDV samples will be examined from agroecosystems where epidemiology studies are on going or where the disease is especially common. The isolated will initially be purified and characterized serologically. Utilizing RNA virus cloning and sequencing strategies developed by the principal investigator, Dr. Allen Miller, full length clones will be generated and sequenced using a transposon walking approach. The resulting nucleotide sequence will be examined for geographical and local diversity. All of this information will be placed into a database that will be accessible worldwide. To correlate sequence with function, many isolates will be characterized for biological properties such as aphid vector phenotype, serotype, host range and disease symptoms, prior to sequencing. worldwide. BSL-2; Certified through November 9, 2005.


Project Team
Anderson, Joseph - Joe
Project Annual Reports
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Related National Programs
  Plant Diseases (303)
  Plant Biological and Molecular Processes (302)
Last Modified: 01/16/2009
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