US Army Corps of Engineers ®

Portland District

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News Release

Release Number: 04-038
Dated: 3/3/2004
Contact: Heidi Y. Helwig, 503-808-4510

ODFW confirms common coldwater bacteria in goldfish

Disease poses no threat to bald eagles feeding at Fern Ridge Reservoir> Portland, Ore.-Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife tests confirm common coldwater disease in goldfish at Fern Ridge Reservoir.

Since Feb. 24 when U.S. Army Corps of Engineers biologists from the Willamette Valley Project found about 150 dead goldfish, bald eagles have been congregating at the reservoir to take advantage of the plentiful food source.

The coldwater disease is a condition that occurs naturally in aquatic environments throughout the world, said Steve Mamoyac, district biologist, ODFW. The disease poses no threat to humans or other predatory animals in the food chain, including the bald eagles.

"When we found so many dead fish sharing the same symptoms, we immediately took some samples and sent them to ODFW," said Greg Taylor, Corps fisheries biologist at the Willamette Valley Project. "While we suspected the disease to be the culprit, we wanted to make sure there wasn't a risk to wildlife or humans."

On Wed, Feb. 25, Corps biologists counted 20 adult and 40 sub-adult bald eagles at Fern Ridge Reservoir.

"Bald eagle numbers generally peak in the valley this time of year, and these birds are probably a combination of wintering birds, last years juveniles, migrants wandering through and local non-breeding adults," said Kat Beal, Corps wildlife biologist, Willamette Valley Project. "Sub-adult eagles typically forage over wide areas and readily take advantage of easy feeding opportunities like this. Members of the public are encouraged to come see them but to avoid disturbing the eagles."

The Fern Ridge Reservoir is one of 13 multipurpose projects operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the Willamette Valley. Since Fern Ridge Reservoir is just 12 miles from downtown Eugene, it is a popular recreation area for sailing, powerboating and water-skiing.

Fern Ridge Dam is an earth fill structure with a gated concrete spillway for regulation of lake levels. Fern Ridge Dam was completed in 1941 at a cost of $6 million.

For more information about Fern Ridge Reservoir, please visit


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