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Portland District

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News Release

Release Number: 04-014
Dated: 1/23/2004
Contact: Public Affairs Office, 503-808-4510

Corps reviews permit request to restore use of Soda Spring Dam

> > Portland, Ore.—The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating a permit application from PacifiCorps to restore use of a sluice gate in Soda Springs Dam located on the North Umpqua River in Douglas County, Ore.

As part of a settlement agreement between Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and PacifiCorps, the applicant proposes to open a 4-by-5-foot square sluice gate built into the base of the dam to provide increased stream flows to fish and to pass debris accumulated behind the dam.

According to the application, the gate is small enough to control flows more accurately than the spillway, yet large enough to provide up to 275 cubic feet per second of flow. The sluice gate has not been used in several decades.

The proposed action would cause up to 150 cubic yards of accumulated material to pass downstream. The applicant proposes to install pipes along the face of the dam for injecting air and/or water directly into the sediment in front of the gate to loosen it.

If the permit is granted, the gate would be inspected for structural integrity prior to the test opening. The gate would initially be opened manually during a high flow event when background turbidity is naturally high. Operators would remain near the gate controls as long as necessary to ensure the gate is functioning properly and respond to any problems. During this work, turbidity would be monitored and recorded at 30-minute intervals at the U. S. Geological Survey water quality station downstream.

The stream flow gate would be fitted with automated controls and operated as the primary source for instream flow requirements. During high flow events, the gate would be periodically opened all the way to facilitate passage of woody debris, organics, sediment and bed load.

As part of its permit evaluation process, the Corps is requesting public review and comment on the proposed project prior to making its permit decision.

For a copy of the Corps’ Public Notice 1998-00472, which describes the proposed project in detail, please write to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: CENWP-OP-GP (Merina Christoffersen), 1600 Executive Parkway, Suite 210, Eugene, OR 97401-2156 or call (541) 465-6882. A copy of the public notice, including photocopies of supporting drawings, is posted on the Corps’ Internet site at

Written comments must reach the Corps by Jan. 28, 2004, and should be mailed to the above address. Send e-mail comments to Comments must reference the public notice number.

The Corps also is soliciting input from federal, state and local agencies and officials, Indian Tribes, and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity on endangered species, cultural resources, water quality, general environmental effects, and other public interest factors.

The Corps will evaluate the permit request under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States.

A permit will not be issued until the state has concurred with the applicant’s certification that the described activity complies with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act.

Also, because the proposed project may affect an endangered or threatened species or its critical habitat and/or essential fish habitat for groundfish, coastal pelagic, coho salmon and chinook salmon, the Corps will require FERC to initiate consultation with NOAA Fisheries, under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and Section 305 of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. A permit for the proposed activity will not be issued or denied until the consultation process is complete.

The proposed project is not located on property registered in the latest version of the National Register of Historic Places. This notice has been provided to the State Historic Preservation Office.


Content POC: Public Affairs Office, 503-808-4510 | Technical POC: NWP Webmaster | Last updated: 2/9/2006 9:38:06 AM

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