US Army Corps of Engineers ®

Portland District

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News Release

Release Number: 02-013
Dated: 1/28/2002
Contact: Matt Rabe, 503-808-4510

Corps considers City of Portland request to replace culvert

Portland, Ore.-The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating a permit application from the City of Portland, Office of Transportation, to replace an existing box culvert at Kelley Creek crossing of S.E. Foster Road.

The proposed work would occur between S.E. 159th Street and S.E. Jenne Road, Portland, Ore., in Multnomah County.

The proposed work is part of the Foster Road Improvement Project to improve traffic safety, by improving curve alignment and sight distances on Foster Road.

The project would replace a 60-foot long twin concrete box culvert with an open arch culvert system about 32-feet longer. Two existing rock grade control structures will be notched to concentrate low flows and facilitate upstream and downstream movement of juvenile salmonids. Rock weir structures will be constructed downstream of the existing walls to create plunge pools and lessen the jump heights between the structures. A water quality facility and outfall structure will be constructed to treat runoff from new impervious surfaces. The project will add about .5 acre of impervious material to the project area. About 456 cubic yards of fill is proposed below the ordinary high water line.

As part of its permit evaluation process, the Corps is requesting public review and comment on the proposed project prior to making its permitting decision for the work.

For a copy of the Corps' Public Notice 1998-01327, which describes the proposed project in detail, please write to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: CENWP-OP-GP (Susan Sturges), P.O. Box 2946, Portland, OR 97208-2946 or call (503) 808-4381. A copy of the public notice including photocopies of supporting drawings is posted on the Corps' Internet site at .

Written comments must reach the Corps by Feb. 7, 2002, and should be mailed to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Attn: CENWP-OP-GP (Susan Sturges), P.O. Box 2946, Portland, Ore., 97208-2946. Send e-mail comments to Comments must reference the Public Notice number.

The Corps also is soliciting input from the federal, state and local agencies and officials, Indian Tribes, and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity on endangered species, cultural resources, water quality, general environmental effects, and other public interest factors.

The Corps will evaluate the permit request under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States.

Preliminary determinations indicate that the proposed activity may affect endangered or threatened species or its critical habitat. Formal consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the Magnuson-Stevens Conservation and Management Act will be initiated. A permit for the proposed activity will not be issued until the consultation process is completed.

The proposed project is not located on property registered in the latest version of the National Register of Historic Places. This notice has been provided to the State Historic Preservation Office.


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