US Army Corps of Engineers ®

Portland District

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News Release

Release Number: 05-149
Dated: 11/8/2005
Contact: Jennifer A. Sowell, 503-808-4510

Corps reviews permits for Grants Pass, Tillamook and Medford, Oregon

PORTLAND, Ore. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is reviewing three permit applications requesting a Department of the Army permit for certain work in waters of the United States.

Public Notice 200500069, requested by the Grant’s Pass Irrigation District and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The project is located on the Rogue River, at River Mile 107, near Grants Pass, Ore. The proposed action would partially remove Savage Rapids Dam, after a new pumping plant is constructed and operable, for the purpose of improving fish passage. Comments must be received by Dec. 1, 2005. A copy of the public notice may be found at

Public Notice 200500637, requested by Tillamook Estuaries Partnership. The project is located in and adjacent to Vaughn Creek, at the crossing of Highway 101 near Vaughn Creek Road, between Tillamook and Bay City, Ore. The proposed work would involve a channel realignment in order to replace an existing culvert with two larger culverts for the purpose of improving access to two miles of native salmonid spawning and rearing habitat, restoring tidal exchange and establish a native riparian area to the bank. Comments must be received by Dec. 2, 2005. A copy of the public notice may be found at

Public Notice 200500649, requested by the Oregon Department of Transportation, Rogue Valley Area Office. The project is located near the I-5 and Barnett Road interchange in Medford, Ore. The proposed project involves the construction of a new interchange requiring the replacement of the north and southbound I-5 bridge across Bear Creek, as well as the construction and replacement of several other bridges, for the purpose of providing a safe, long-term solution to increasing traffic congestion in the area. Comments must be received by Dec. 5, 2005. A copy of the public notice may be found at

The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public, federal, state and local agencies, Indian Tribes and other interested parties on these permit requests. The Corps will issue or deny any permit under authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharge of dredged or fill material into U.S. waters, and/or under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 for work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States.

For more information on any public notice under consideration by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, please visit the permit section on the Portland District’s website at


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