Grass for Dairy Cattle

ISBN13: 9780851992884ISBN10: 0851992889 hardback, 418 pages
Feb 1999,  In Stock


$160.00 (06)

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Grass forage crops are a possible key to sustainable dairy farming, and this volume provides a detailed look at grass-based systems. It covers breeding, management, storage, feeding, and economics for both lactating and dry dairy cows.

Product Details

418 pages; 1 color frontispiece, 57 line illus.; ISBN13: 978-0-85199-288-4ISBN10: 0-85199-288-9

About the Author(s)

Edited by J. H. Cherney, Department of Soil, Crop and Atmospheric Sciences , and D. J. R. Cherney, Department of Animal Sciences, both at Cornell University

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