Organic Food Program

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 Updated: 12/16/2008

Materials Lists & Material Registration

For more information, e-mail us or call (360) 902-1805.

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WSDA Registered Material Label

Materials List and Information

Organic farming is based on using natural methods for building soil fertility and managing insects, weeds, and disease. Most synthetic materials are prohibited. The National Organic Program (NOP) allows the use of all natural substances (materials) unless they are specifically prohibited (e.g. strychnine and nicotine are prohibited). Under the NOP all synthetic substances (materials) are prohibited unless they are approved on the National List.

Washington State organic growers have several sources for determining what materials are allowed in organic production: the National List and the WSDA Brand Name Materials Lists (BNML). In addition, the Organic Food Program recognizes the Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI) Products List. All operators certified by the Organic Food Program may use the products on this list in their organic system. The OMRI Products List can be found at or a hard copy can be ordered by calling our office at (360) 902-1805.

The WSDA Brand Name Materials List is a list of brand name products that have been evaluated to determine that they comply with organic standards. Products listed on the BNML are for use in organic production.

Materials Lists and Information

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Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)

The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that specializes in the review of substances for use in organic production, processing, and handling. OMRI's Board of Directors is broadly representative of the industry segments with members distributed among certifiers, farmers, suppliers, processors, handlers, consumer organizations, and animal welfare and environmental groups. OMRI's services are directed to all aspects of the organic industry with a primary focus on the decision makers who deal with the compliance status of generic materials and brand name products. With the OMRI Generic Materials List and OMRI Brand Name Product List, OMRI provides guidance on the suitability of material inputs under the USDA National Organic Program standards.

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Material Registration Packet

For registering the material, please download the following information as needed.

1. New Applicant - New Application Forms - Must be completed and mailed with appropriate fees to the Organic Food Program. Please notice there are fill able forms available for your convenience.

2. Renewal Applicant - Application Forms and Information - Must be completed and mailed to the Organic Food Program. Please notice there are fill able forms available for your convenience.

If you have any questions regarding the Material Registration, please contact the WSDA Organic Food Program at (360) 902-1805 or email

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