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Colorado River Headwaters - William E. Green
Wise Owl Did You Know?

Since 1973, the Board has appropriated instream flow water rights on

  • nearly 1500 stream segments,
  • covering 8500 miles of stream
  • and 476 natural lakes
New Appropriations
This aspect of the program focuses on processing new instream flow (ISF) recommendations for the Board’s consideration. The staff receives detailed recommendations for instream flow water rights from state and federal agencies, conservation groups and members of the public to preserve the natural environment of stream and lakes in the state. The staff reviews and processes the recommendations in accordance with the Board’s ISF Rules. The staff performs detailed biological and hydrological analyses to ensure that all recommendations meet the statutory requirements for an instream flow appropriation. The staff notifies and involves the public in all areas of the appropriation process. 
  • Conduct the yearly ISF Workshop to help the Board and recommending entities prioritize data collection efforts, staff time and resources for instream flow and natural lake level recommendations.
  • Evaluate the scientific basis of new ISF recommendations including map work, water availability analyses, hydraulics, biology and other parameters as necessary.
  • Process recommendations as required by ISF Rules including public notification and presenting the recommendations to the Board for action.
  • Compile and maintain legal and administrative records for all appropriations, and maintain existing databases.
  • Negotiate and resolve stipulated settlements with contesting parties or testify before the Board regarding factual data related to contested ISF appropriations.
  • Coordinate with the  Attorney General’s Office to file water right applications for approved ISF appropriations.
  • Resolve opposed ISF appropriations (coordinate with Legal Protection Team).