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Contact Staff Contact Stream & Lake Protection Staff
CWCB Stream & Lake Protection Section
1313 Sherman St., Room 721
Denver, CO 80203
303.866.4474 Fax

 Email   Linda Bassi, Section Chief
Phone Number 303.866.3441 x3204
Linda oversees the implementation of the Colorado Instream Flow and Natural Lake Level Program, which includes new instream flow water right appropriations, legal and physical protection of the Board’s instream flow water rights, and acquisitions of water for instream flow use by the Board. Linda also is responsible for the development of legislation, policies and rules related to the Program, and education and outreach activities related to the Program. Prior to working for the Board, Linda worked in the Water Rights Unit of the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, representing the Board in water court to appropriate and protect instream flow water rights. As the Board’s attorney, Linda also worked on water acquisitions and assisted in developing the current ISF Program Rules.
Email    Jeff Baessler, Senior Water Resource Specialist
Phone Number  303.866.3441 x3202
Jeff manages the New Appropriation and Physical Protection program areas, and is responsible for the scientific aspects of the Instream Flow (ISF) Program. He also works with state and federal agencies, conservation interests and private, non-profit groups to identify streamflow protection opportunities. In addition, he monitors instream flow water rights through an active and expanding stream gaging program. Other areas of responsibility include:

  • Science & Hydrology
  • Instream Flow Monitoring
  • CWCB Stream Gaging Program Manager
  • ISF Internship Program
  • Training, Outreach and Education
Email    Kaylea White, Senior Water Resource Specialist
Phone Number  303.866.3441 x3240
Kaylea manages the Legal Protection and Acquisition program areas, and coordinates with the Attorney General's Office to provide legal guidance for the State's Instream Flow Program. She also works with state and federal agencies, conservation interests and private, non-profit groups to identify streamflow protection opportunities. In addition, Kaylea reviews new water right applications to prevent injury to instream flow water rights. Other areas of responsibility include:

  • Water Court Resume Review
  • Settlement Negotiations/Litigation of Opposed Cases
  • Rules, Regulations and Legislative Analysis
  • Attorney General's Office Liaison
  • Program and Legislative History
Email    Bahman Hatami, P.E., Water Resource Engineer
Phone Number  303.866.3441 x3216
Bahman is responsible for engineering analyses related to Legal Protection, New Appropriation and Acquisition of instream flow water rights. He manages the section's engineering studies through internal analysis and outside contracting. Other areas of responsibility include:

  • Water Resource Engineering Studies and Contracts
  • Engineering Support and Expert Testimony
Email    Owen Williams, Hydrologist
 Phone Number  303.866.3441 x3241
Owen is responsible for reviewing and processing recommendations for new Instream Flow Appropriations in accordance with ISF Statutes and Rules. He is also the Section's liaison to the Statewide Water Supply Investigation (SWSI) Recreational and Environmental Resources roundtable. Other areas of responsibility include:

  • New Appropriations
  • Resolution of Contested Appropriations
  • Stakeholder Outreach and Notification
  • SWSI Liaison
Email    Rob Viehl, Water Resource Specialist
Phone Number  303.866.3441 x3237
Rob is responsible for reviewing and processing recommendations for new Instream Flow Appropriations and Acquisitions in accordance with ISF Statutes and Rules. He is also responsible for legal and physical protection program support. Areas of responsibility include:
  • New Appropriations and Acquisition Support
  • Legal and Physical Protection Support
  • Hydrologic Analyses and Studies