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Four Mile Creek (Weminuche) - William E. Green
Acquisition Process
The Water Acquisition Program is a voluntary program which allows water users to convey existing decreed water rights to the Board on a permanent or temporary basis to preserve or improve the natural environment. The CWCB cannot acquire water rights by eminent domain, or force an individual to convey a water right to CWCB for instream flow purposes. All water acquisitions are voluntary transactions proposed by a water right owner, and water acquisitions are considered by the CWCB on an “as-offered” basis. The CWCB staff conducts an Instream Flow Workshop each February to request recommendations for streams and lakes to be protected, but water acquisition proposals can be considered at any time during the year.
Each water acquisition transaction is unique, and the particular terms and conditions of the conveyance are included in a separate agreement which is developed by the proponent and Board staff. Pursuant to statute, the Board has 120 days to respond to the proposal.
Individuals interested in learning more about the Water Acquisition process are encouraged to contact the CWCB Staff.