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Stream Gage
Wise Owl Did You Know?
CWCB staff actively monitors flow conditions at over 70 stream gages via the State’s SMS Alert System. The system automatically alerts staff when flows approach and/or drop below decreed ISF amounts. Staff is alerted to low flow conditions within minutes by cell phone and e-mails, and can immediately evaluate the situation, and if warranted, place an administrative call for water to prevent injury to the instream flow water right.
Physical Protection
This aspect of the Stream & Lake Protection program focuses on the physical protection of the state’s instream flow water rights by enforcing terms and conditions contained in decrees, stipulations and agreements. It also involves monitoring streamflow conditions to ensure that appropriated flows are being met and administered within the state’s prior appropriation system.
  • Identify and prioritize instream flow rights for protection.
  • Monitor Ski Area compliance with agreements.
  • Maintain  database for tracking and enforcing protective terms and conditions required by stipulations, decrees and agreements.
  • Coordinate with the Colorado Division of Water Resources (DWR) and the USGS on instream flow administration and monitoring issues.
  • Manage the Severance Tax Trust Fund Operational Account for data collection and monitoring, and coordinate other funding sources to improve monitoring efforts.
  • Cooperate with DWR in the management and utilization of the state satellite monitoring system and the CWCB stream gaging fund.
  • Utilize computerized low flow warning systems using satellite telemetry.
  • Utilize Colorado's Decision Support Systems (CDSS) and DWR staff resources to assist in administration of instream flow water rights.
  • Participate in multiple use gaging efforts with USGS, water quality and the CDSS.