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Reports and Recommendations

The following are final reports and recommendations approved by the Academic Council and/or the Academic Assembly. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these files. Please use the Search function or the Find feature in your internet browser to locate specific documents.


Policy on Reemployment of University of California Retired Employees (11/08)

Academic Council Statement on RFP for Outsourcing of UCRP Benefits Administration, memo from Senate Chair Croughan to President Yudof (9/08)


The State of Shared Governance, Open letter from Senate Chair Brown to President Yudof (8/08)

Re-establishment of CCGA's Authority over Reviews of First Professional Degree Proposals, Memo from Academic Council to Provost Grey (8/08)

Implementation of RE-89 – Restrictions on Tobacco Company-Funded Research, Memo from Council to Senate Divisional Chairs (8/08)

Report on the English as a Second Language (ESL) Needs of Transfer Students, Memo from Council to Provost Grey (8/08)

Results of Program Review Practices Survey, Memo from Council to Provost Grey (8/08)

American Indian Tribal Affiliation as a Factor in Undergraduate Admissions, Memo from Council to Judy K. Sakaki, Vice President, Student Affairs (8/08)

Proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 5, Memo from Council to President Yudof (7/08)

UC Merced Budget Concerns, memo from Council to President Yudof (7/08)

Outsourcing of Benefits Administration, memo from Council to Executive Vice President Lapp (7/08)

Salary Scale Funding Priorities for Year 2, memo from Council to President Yudof (7/08)

UCRP Funding Policy, memo from Council to President Yudof (7/08)

Proposed Amendment to Section 5150 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code, memo from Council to Director Haden (6/08)

Proposal to Reform UC's Freshman Eligibility Policy, memo from the Academic Assembly to President Yudof (6/08)

'Non-Progressing' UC Faculty Members, memo from Council to President Yudof and Provost Hume (6/08)

Academic Council’s Contingent Approval of a New School of Medicine at UC Riverside, memo from Council to Provost Hume (6/08)

Review of the ITGC Report, "Creating a UC Cyberinfrastructure," memo from Council to Provost Hume (6/08)

Revised Code of Conduct for Health Sciences Faculty, Review of, memo from Council to Provost Hume (6/08)

Allocating Net Fee Income Received from the DOE National Laboratories, memo from Council to Vice President Beckwith (6/08)

Policy on Supplement to Military Pay, memo to Chief HR Officer Monroe (6/08)

Proposed Modified Regulations and Guidelines Governing Participation of Graduate Students in Delivering University Instruction, Including Proposed Modifications to APM 410-4a, -4b, and -20a, memo from Council to Provost Hume (5/08)

Staff Academic Reduction in Time (START) program, memo to AVP Boyette (4/08)

Endowment Cost Recovery Rate and Endowment Payout, memo to EVP Lapp (4/08)

Statement on the Faculty Salary Plan, from Council to President Dynes (4/08)


The Cuts Report (Report on the Cuts Proposed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), from Council to President Dynes (4/08)

Request for Systemwide Review of the UC Law Faculty Salary Scales, from Council to Provost Hume (3/08)

Proposed Student Freedom of Scholarly Inquiry Principles, memo from the Assembly to President Dynes (3/08)

Statement on Animal Research, memo from Council to President Dynes (3/08)

Support for Sustainable SMI Funding, memo from Council to Provost Hume (3/08)

Request for a Joint Senate/Administrative Committee to Establish a Funding Mode for Graduate Education, from Council to Provost Hume, (3/08)

Council Response to the Report of the Joint UCOP/Senate Ad Hoc Committee on International Education (3/08)

Assembly Resolution on Limiting UC's Role in Manufacturing Nuclear Weapons, 2/08)

WASC Report, memo from Council to President Dynes (1/08)

Proposed Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates, memo to EVP Lapp (1/08)

Academic Council Response to the Campus Security Task Force Draft Report, (12/07)

Proposal on Guidelines Regarding Vendor Relations, Council's response (12/07)

Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2007-08:



UCOP Report on Differential Fee Programs and New Data on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs, Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs Request for, memo from Academic Council to Provost Hume (8/07)

An Introductory Guide to UC’s Ties to LANS LLC and LLNS LLC and their Management of the Weapons Labs at Los Alamos and Livermore, prepared by Council Chair Oakley and University Counsel Bill Eklund (8/07)

Advice to the Advisory Committee for Review of Interim Job Slotting Process, memo from Council to Regent Hopkinson and EVP Darling (8/08)

Draft Guiding Principles for Policy Setting and Compensation Governance, Academic Council Comments on the UCOP Governance Work Team's, memo to President Dynes (8/08)

The University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP), Council Statement and memo to President Dynes (8/07)

Policy on Receiving Estimates of Fiscal Impact, Council memo to President Dynes (8/07)

Academic Council's Priorities for 07-08 Allocation of Net Fee Income, memo to President Dynes (7/07)

Draft Proposal on Guidelines Regarding Vendor Relations, Academic Council review of, memo from Academic Council to Director Jaffe (7/07)

Academic Council Resolution on the Transcript Evaluation Service to Provost Hume (7/07)

Proper Use of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), proposed Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates (ICAS) resolution, memo from Council to ICAS (7/07)

Policy for Addressing Religious Holiday Conflicts with Residence Hall "Move-In" Days, memo from Council to Provost Hume (7/07)

Proposed University of California Open Access Policy memo from Council to Provost Hume (7/07)

Ten Grand Challenges, University Committee on Information Technology and Telecommunications Policy's (ITTP) list of long-term information technology goals (6/07)

Response to RE-89, the Proposed Regents' Policy Restricting University Acceptance of Funding from the Tobacco Industry, Assembly of the Academic Senate (5/07)

Council Report on Institutional Review Boards at UC, memo to Provost Hume (5/07)

Plans to Establish a Trust to Comply with New Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Relating to Annuitant Health Benefits Obligations, Council endorsement and memo to President Dynes (5/07)

Proposed Revisions and Modifications to the Mortgage Origination Program, Academic Council endorsement and memo to President Dynes (5/07)

Comments on the Proposed Presidential Policy and Guidelines on Stewardship of Electronic Information Resources, memo to Associate VP Kristine A. Hafner (3/07)

Current Budget Trends and the Future of the University of California, Academic Council Report (1/07)

Safeguarding the University's Future: A Resolution of the Academic Council on Returning UC to a Sound Fiscal Basis, memo to President Dynes (1/07)

Recommendations of the Joint Academic Senate/UC Office of Research Multicampus Research Unit (MRU) Workgroup, Council response (12/06)

Proposed Guiding Principles for Professional School Fees, Council response (12/06)

Implementation of the President's Task Force on Faculty Diversity, the role of the Universitywide Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity:

  1. Academic Council memo to Provost Wyatt R. Hume (12/06)
  2. Academic Council memo to the Divisional Chairs (12/06)

Total Remuneration and the 2007-2008 Budget: An Academic Council Analysis and Recommendation, memo to President Dynes (11/06)

Assignment of the Budget Function at the Office of the President, memo from Academic Council to President Dynes (11/06)

Academic Senate Resolutions on the Research-Funding Issue, memo from the Assembly to President Dynes (10/06)

Statement of the Academic Senate on Interaction Between UC's Faculty and UC-Associated National Laboratories, memo from the Assembly to President Dynes (10/06)


Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2006-07:



Request for Copy of UCOP Budget for 2005-06 and 2006-07 and Update on Proposed Joint Task Force to Develop an Appropriate Senior Management Salary Scale, from Council to President Dynes (8/06)

Request for Inclusion of Academic Senate Members on Standing Committees of the Los Alamos National Security (LANS) LLC Board of Governors, and the Proposed Lawrence Livermore Security (LLNS) LLC Board of Governors, to President Dynes (8/06)

Request for UCOP Analysis of Fee Levels for Self-Supporting Professional Degree Programs, to Provost Hume (8/06)

Proposed Joint Task Force - Guidance to High Schools on the 'a-g' Subject Requirement, to Provost Hume (8/06)

Competitive Graduate Student Financial Support Advisory Committee (GSAC) "Final Committee Report and Recommendation to the Provost," Academic Council endorsement to President Dynes (8/06)

UC Irvine and UC Riverside Law School Proposals, memo from Council to Provost Hume (8/06)

Senior Management Compensation Plan, Additional Recommendations from the Academic Council on the Proposed, memo from Council to President Dynes (7/06)

Assembly resolution on Proposed Principles on Private Funding for Senior Leadership Salaries at the Level of Dean and Above (7/06)

Additional Review Recommendation for California Institutes for Science and Innovation (CAL ISI), memo to Provist Hume (7/06)

Academic Council Endorsement of the Science and Mathematics Initiative Group (SMIG) Recommendation for On-going Science and Mathematics Initiative Administration, Oversight and Implementation, memo to President Dynes (7/06)

Statement of the Academic Council on Interaction Between UC's Faculty and UC-Associated National Laboratories, memo to President Dynes (7/06)

Current Budget Trends and the Future of the University of California (Report), memo to President Dynes (7/06)

University Committee on Educational Policy (UCEP) Preliminary Recommendations on Summer-Session Instruction, Council Approval (7/06)

Proposed UC Faculty - Scholarly Work Copyright Rights Policy, memo from the Assembly to President Dynes (5/06)


Proposed Review of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR), memo to President Dynes (5/06)


Recommendations on Consultation with the Academic Senate on UC Compensation Issues, memo to President Dynes (5/06)

Memorial to The Regents on Non-Resident Tuition for Graduate Students (5/06)

Resumption of Contributions to the University of California Retirement Plan, Council memo (5/06)


Report of the Task Force on UC Compensation, Accountability, and Transparency; and General Commentary on Select Recommendations of the Task Force, Council Responses to (5/06)


Academic Assembly's Proposed University of California Statement on Diversity (5/06)

Additional Recommendations on Senior Management Pay, memo to President Dynes (4/06)

University Committee on Educational Policy Recommendation for the Formation of a Task Force on Undergraduate Education, Council memo to Acting Provost Hume (4/06)

Campus Childcare Facilities and Priorities for the Recruitment and Retention of Faculty, Council Recommendations on (4/06)

Deliberations of the Graduate Support Advisory Committee, memo to Acting Provost Hume(4/06)

Implementation of the University Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity's Recommendations for Local Diversity Committee Empowerment, Council memo to Division chairs (4/06)

Review of Compensation for the Senior Management Group, Council Recommendation (2/06)

Compensation Principles Recommended for the University of California by the Assembly of the Academic Senate (2/06)

Los Alamos National Security and UCRS: Proper Shift of Assets, memo to President Dynes (2/06)

Proposed Policy Changes Related to UC Effort Reporting, Council response (1/06)

Health Care Reimbursement Accounts and Health Savings Accounts, Council Informational Report (12/05)

Protocol for Five-Year Reviews of the California Institutes for Science and Innovation, Academic Council Proposed (12/05)

Academic Council Statement on University Divestment from Sudan, (12/05)

Draft UC Guidelines on Non-Competitive Funding (12/05)

Assembly of the Academic Senate Resolutions on UC Employee Compensation (11/05)

Academic Council Resolution on Maintaining the Public Status of the University of California (11/05)

Academic Council Report on the Decline of UC as a Great International University(10/05)

BOARS Guidelines for Implementation of University Policy on Admissions by Exception, (9/05)

Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2005-06:


First Annual Report on Shared Governance by the Chair of the Senate (8/05)

UCAP report on Passing the Step VI Barrier (8/05)

Strategic Sourcing Initiative and Graduate Student Support, Memo to the president (08/05)

Extension of Agreement on Oversight of ORU Actions, Memo to the provost (08/05)

Proposed Cap on Entry-Level Writing Class Size, Memo to the provost (7/05)

IGCC Funding and Oversight of Multi-Campus Research Units, Memo to the presidnet and provost (7/05)

Policy on University Management of Health, Safety and the Environment, and draft Guiding Principles to Implement the University of California Policy on Health, Safety and the Environment, Council's response to SVP Joseph Mullinix (7/05)

Electronic Communications Policy Council's response to the provost and senior VP (7/05

Recirculation of MRU Funding and Proposed Joint Task Force, Council Statement (7/05)

Academic Council response to the Provost on Draft Human Subjects Injury Policy and Guidelines on Implementation (6/05)

Resolution of the Academic Council on the Failure of The National Merit Scholarship Program to Meet the Requirements of UC's Definition of Academic Merit (6/05)

Letter of Congratulations to the UC Merced Senate Members upon the Establishment of the Merced Division (6/05)

American Chemical Society and the NIH's PubChem project (6/05)

Amendment to SR 478 - SciGETC, Notice of Assembly Action (5/05)

Research Funding Sources, Assembly Resolution, memo to the president (5/05)

Problematic Restrictive Clauses In Contracts, Grants and Gifts For Research, Council Report (5/05)

Academic Council's position on Assembly Bill 992, Law Enforcement Surveillance, to Senior Vice President Mullinix (5/05)

Policy on Public Access and Archiving of Research Results, letter to Mr. Robert Klein, Chair, Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (ICOC), California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, from President Dynes (5/05)

Examination of the Policy of Admitting Student from the Full Range of the Eligibility Pool, BOARS Response to 2003-04 Eligibility and Admissions Study Group and Recommendation (4/05)

Examination of the Extent to which Campuses Consider the Quality of Writing in the Personal Statement, BOARS Response to 2003-04 Eligibility and Admissions Study Group and Recommendation (4/05)

Proposed Policy on Use of Recordings of Course Presentations (4/05)

The California Stem Cell Research and Cures Bond Act of 2004: Proposed Policy on Public Access and Archiving of Research Results, memo to President Dynes (4/05)

BOARS White Paper on the University of California's Distinctive Freshman Admissions Process (3/05)

Concurrent Resolution on Graduate Education, Notice of Assembly Action (3/05)

Approval of Policy Governing the Senate’s Role in the Development of a New UC Campus, Notice of Assembly Action: (3/05)

Amendment of Senate Bylaw 336. B.4 (3/05)

Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly Information at the

University of California, Council response to Provost Greenwood (2/05)

Alignment of Campus Calendars, Council memo to Provost Greenwood (12/04)

Senate Regulation 544 Amended by the Assembly, memo to Provost Greenwood (11/04)

Statement of Principles On Competing for the NNSA Laboratories, Council's statement to President Dynes (11/04)

Budget Priorities, Academic Council's memo to President Dynes (10/04)

BOARS' Position Statement on Admission Selection Criterion #14 - Geographical

Preferences Based on Proximity to a Campus (10/04)


  Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2004-05:


response to proposed revision to (10/04)

Council's response to proposed revisions to (10/04)



President Dynes memo to Chancellors re: Framework for Establishing a Divisional Academic Senate Office (9/04)

Academic Council's Resolution on Restrictions on Research Funding Sources (7/04)

Council report on Problematic Restrictive Clauses in Contracts, Grants and Gifts (7/04)

ACSCONL's Final Report on the Survey of UC Senate Faculty Regarding the National Laboratories (7/04)

Systemwide Professional School Planning: Recommended Guidelines and Model (7/04)

Professor Step System Task Force Report, Academic Council's Recommendation (7/04)

Academic Council's Resolution on the USA PATRIOT ACT (7/04)

Academic Council's Recommendation on the Implementation of Senate Regulation 544-Concurrent Enrollment (6/04)

Academic Council's Recommendation on Restructuring the MRU Review Process (6/04)

Academic Council's Request for Formal Evaluation of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) (6/04)

Model Plan for Faculty Recalled for Post-Retirement Teaching (Council Resolution) (5/04)

Assembly Resolution on California's Budget Crisis and the University of California (5/04)

Academic Council Resolution on Including Private Equity Investments within the 403(b) Plan and Proposed New 457(b) Plan (4/04)

Academic Council's Response to the Green Building Design and Clean Energy Standards Policy and Procedures (4/04)

Alignment of Campus Calendars, Academic Council's Recommendation for the (4/04)

Academic Council's Response to the State's Proposed Surcharge on Extra Units (3/04)

Academic Council's Response to UC Health Sciences Faculty Retirement Proposal (2/04)

Educational Fee Waiver, Academic Council Resolution on (1/23/04) and President Dynes Response (4/04)

Graduate and Professional School Admissions Task Force Report with Council Chair's Cover Letter to the President (12/03)

Instructional Activities Reports, Academic Council's Response to (12/03)

Sexual Harassment and Procedures for Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment, Academic Council's Response to Proposed Revised Policy on (12/03)

New Policy on Conflicts of Interest Created by Consensual Relationships, Academic Council's Response to Proposed (12/03)

Revisions to SBL 335 B to Comply with Whistleblower Policies, Academic Council's Letter of Approval for Proposed (12/03)

Increasing Access and Sustaining Excellence: A Budget Proposal from Academic Council (12/03)

Resolution on SUTI: Academic Council Recommendations Regarding Sensitive but Unclassified Technical Information (12/03)

Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2003-04:



Academic Council's response to Health Sciences Task Force Report Recommendations for Improving Retirement Benefits for UC Health Sciences Faculty (8/03)

Memo to President Atkinson re: Academic Senate Operations and Resources (8/03)

Report on the President's Summit on Faculty Gender Equity (6/03)

Classification by Race, Ethnicity, Color, and National Origin (CRECNO) ballot measure update (7/03)

Academic Council's position on the Classification by Race, Ethnicity, Color, and National Origin (CRECNO) initiative (4/03)

Course Description Task Force report (4/03)

UCORP Subcommittee Report on the Relationship between UC and DOE (2/03)

Academic Council Response to the September 9, 2002 Report of the Joint Committee To Develop A Master Plan For Education (2/03)

Course Task Force Report on UCB English R 1A Course Section (2/03)

BOARS' Report: First-Year Implementation of Comprehensive Review in Freshman Admissions (11/02)

Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2002-03:




Report of the Academic Council's Group on Compensation (6/02)

UCFW Parking Policy Principles (6/02)

Academic Literacy: A Statement of Competencies Expected of Students Entering California's Public Colleges and Universities (Spring 2002)

UCFW Task Force report on Health Care Costs: Trends and Relationship to Insurance Premiums (2/02)

BOARS' discussion paper on the Use of Admissions Tests by the University of California (1/02)



Questions and Answers for UC Faculty Regarding UC's Labor Contract with Its Teaching Assistants (10/00)

Background Documents Regarding Contract Renewal Negotiations for Management of the Department of Energy's Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos Laboratories (Fall/Winter 2000-2001)



Discussion Paper on Community Service Graduation Requirement (1/00)

Report of the Task Force on Faculty/Staff Partnership (12/99)

Report of the Academic Senate Workgroup on the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) (12/99)



UCFW Ensuring Full Equality in Benefits for UC Employees with Domestic Partners (6/99)

UCFW Proposed UC Policy on Childcare (6/99)

Statewide Senate Communications Report (6/99)

Issues of Articulation and Transfer: A Workshop Presented By the Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates (7/98)



Academic Senate Task Force on Governance Report No. 1: Findings of the Panel on Shared Governance (4/4/98)



UCORP Indirect Cost Recovery/Overhead Distribution Summary Report (7/97)

Statement on Competencies in Mathematics Expected of Entering College Students (6/97)

The Deteriorating Environment for Conducting Research at the University of California (5/97) (with tables)

The Deteriorating Environment for Conducting Research at the University of California (without tables)

Setting the Conditions of Undergraduate Admissions: The Role of University of California Faculty in Policy and Process (2/97)


Prior to 1996:

Report of the Senate Task Force on Administrative Compensation (1/95)

Statement on Executive Compensation to the Regents by Faculty Representative W. Elliot Brownlee (Chair, Academic Council) on October 5, 1992

Report of the Universitywide Task Force on Faculty Rewards (Pister Report) (6/91)_