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2008 National Women in Agriculture Educators Conference

The National Women in Agriculture Educators Conference took place on April 1 & 2, 2008 in Oklahoma City, OK. A Pre-Conference Seminar was held on March 31, 2008.

Click the button below to be taken to the 2008 Conference Website to learn more.

Welcome to Women in Agriculture

This website is designed to highlight successful and upcoming risk management educational programs designed for women involved in agriculture. Our goal is to make the website a national resource – a place to identify unique workshops, proven delivery methods, potential keynote speakers, and even ideas for project funding.

Women in agriculture programs are diverse. Each project has specific goals, some unique to a particular region or audience. The information and links to successful programs have been provided by the project leaders. Please direct any inquiries about the programs themselves to the project leader listed.

This site will also include information about upcoming conferences, so please send your Women in Agriculture conference announcements. To send suggestions or comments about the website, please click here.