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GISc Center of Excellence

Purpose of the Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence:
The purpose of the South Dakota State University/US Geological Survey Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence is to establish a joint program that will enable South Dakota State University faculty and students, along with EDC scientists, to carry out collaborative research, seek professional development, and implement educational programs in the applications of geographic information science.  By serving the South Dakota, national and international communities through this research, we expect SDSU to be recognized as a global center of expertise in geographic information science studies.

Background information:
The study of the land surface and its modification over time is a major component of global change research.  Land cover change impacts climate, biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem function, and the state of human welfare.  To study large area land cover dynamics, satellite-based earth observations are required.  The Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence (GIScCE) is a new collaboration between SDSU and the US Geological Survey EROS Data Center (EDC) with a focus on the science of earth observation and monitoring. EDC is the world’s largest repository of remotely sensed data sets and a renowned center of applied earth science studies.  The GIScCE is a research partnership of SDSU faculty and EDC scientists which employs the capabilities of geographic information science (GISc), namely remote sensing, geographic information systems, digital mapping, and geostatistics, to document and understand the changing earth.  To achieve this, an interdisciplinary center of study is required, one which utilizes engineering principles to efficiently and accurately process earth observation data, geographic principles to create meaningful thematic depictions of land cover and land use change, and applications which focus on the resultant effects of change on the geosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere.  Through the combined resources of many disciplines, the GIScCE seeks to investigate important questions regarding the dynamic earth system.  Initial goals of the center include: establishing a solid foundation of teamed Senior Scientists who will compete for research funding, recruit and train additional staff, and expand the center’s activities;  strengthening educational programs at SDSU by creating opportunities for students to engage in GISc-related research topics, and participating in the new Geospatial Science and Engineering PhD program; and expanding training and consulting services to local, national and international clients.

Student involvement:
Students will play an integral role in the research performed by the center.  A student can earn graduation recognition as a Center Scholar by completing a combination of courses, programs, and professional experiences.  Center scholars must have completed all Regental and University core classes with an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 in major and GISc coursework at time of graduation.  Undergraduates must also have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 for all coursework at time of graduation.  Graduate students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 for GISc and all other coursework at the time of graduation.  All Center scholars will participate in a center internship, which will include the development of a scholarly study.  Results from this study must then be presented to an appropriate professional meeting or accepted by a peer-reviewed science journal.  A final student portfolio will be assembled and submitted for approval to the GIScCE portfolio review committee.  Graduates of the program will be qualified to work as GISc professional scientists in government, education, business and industry throughout the state, nation and world. 

For more information, go to:   http://globalmonitoring.sdstate.edu

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