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For Those Preparing

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Health Professions Advising
Montana State University 309 Leon Johnson Hall
Bozeman, MT  59717

Phone 406 994-1670
Fax 406 994-4398
Health Professions Advising

Montana State University takes seriously its responsibilities to prepare students to apply competitively to graduate schools of the health professions both in and out of the West. MSU students and alumni routinely apply to medical, dental, optometry, pharmacy, and physician assistant programs, for example, with great success. These health careers can be highly rewarding, but the pre-requisites are demanding. Excellent grades, and above-average performance on standardized entry exams, evidence of interest in improving the lives of others, and pre-professional experience are all part of the “package” that will be reviewed prior to admission to graduate schools of the health professions. Those preparing for the health professions while attending MSU are encouraged to avail themselves of opportunities to gain health professions exposure in the local community, and to take advantage of the bi-weekly presentations by speakers to AED, the national pre-health honor society, of which MSU-Bozeman has the only chapter in Montana.

The health professions advising at Montana State University is conducted by Dr. Sheila Nielsen-Preiss, Director of Health Professions Advising. She encourages students to meet with her from their earliest days at MSU to ensure that they are properly preparing for the professional programs they wish to enter. MSU students are supported in the professional school applications by Dr. Nielsen-Preiss, and in the case of dental and medical school applicants, by a faculty Pre-Professional Advising Committee (PPAC).

MSU welcomes post-baccalaureate students who have graduated from MSU or any other institution to complete their professional school pre-requisites at MSU. A new Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Certificate Program is designed to prepare those graduates who must complete all or nearly all of the science and math courses required for medical and dental school application.

View Text-only Version Text-only Updated: 12/8/2008
Health Professions Advising
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