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New web site coming soon! A new Ohio Direct Marketing web site is being built. Check back soon to see the enhanced look with new resources and contacts for all of your direct marketing needs. new web site

Welcome to the Ohio State University website for Direct Marketing and Tourism Development. This multi-disciplinary research and Extension program benefits Ohio citizens, communities, and economy. Both programs involve teams with members from various organizations throughout the state.

Direct Marketing, as it relates to agriculture, is defined by the North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA) as "selling direct to consumers - individuals, families, restaurants, tour groups, big companies and others."

Tourism is becoming increasingly important to the U.S. economy. A conservative estimate from the Federal Reserve Board, based on 2000 data, shows that basic travel and tourism industries accounted for 3.6 percent of all U.S. employment. Even more telling, data from the Travel Industry Association of America indicate that 1 out of every 18 people in the U.S. has a job directly resulting from travel expenditures. Watch for updates from the Ohio Tourism Team.

Ohio Ranks in the Top 5 States for Direct Farm Sales

According to the Census of Agriculture, Ohio farmers reported over $37 million in direct farm sales for 2002, up 19% from 1997. The number of farms engaged in direct marketing is also on the rise with more than 6,200 farms reporting direct sales in 2002.


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Copyright by Ohio State University Extension 2003 OSU Extension, OARDC, College of Food, Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, and OSU South Centers