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Office of the President
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172420
Bozeman, MT 59717-2420

Tel: (406) 994-2341
Fax: (406) 994-1893
Location: 211 Montana Hall

Dr. Geoffrey Gamble
> Office of the President
President's Statement on Leadership Principles

Shared Governance

Gamble photo At Montana State University-Bozeman, we recognize the important relationship between broad participative governance and the education of students that graduate with the knowledge and skills to be informed, productive, and contributing citizens of Montana and the Nation. Shared governance at our University is a dynamic set of processes, which provide a critical foundation that actively supports the University's two primary functions: the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Input from all campus constituencies, the factuly (Faculty Senate), professional employees (Professional Council), classified staff (Staff Senate), and students (ASMSU), provides advice, direction, and perspective to the institution's administrative leadership about issues, policies, and procedures that impact the direction and quality of the University's instruction, research/creative activity, and service programs.

Assessment and Accountability

When I began my Presidency, I placed a high priority on the principles of assessment and accountability. These are principles critically important to developing sound management strategies for addressing our needs and opportunities. I am pleased to see that these principles have now been incorporated into the fabric of the University.

UPBAC is an excellent example of the expanded role of shared governance at MSU, as well as how the principles of assessment and accountability can be implemented. The following is a list of key concepts which make UPBAC an invaluable resource for senior leadership:

  • Campus-wide representation
  • Decisions made in a data-rich environment;
  • Decisions focused on strategic priorities;
  • Identification of measures which can serve as effective assessment tools;
  • Demonstration of our willingness to be held accountable for our decisions and actions by providing the public access to our plans, progress and outcomes;
  • An exit strategy, in the event the implementation of our plans is not successful.

The University's 5-year vision document was developed as the basis for a strategic plan which will have clear assessment and accountability measures. Priorities and goals have been identified to help monitor progress towards achieving the vision.

Performance Reviews

Our approach to individual performance reviews also reflects our priority on assessment and accountability. The 360degree reviews completed on myself and most of the senior leadership are based on careful assessment of goal achievement and contributions to the University's strategic priorities.

The MAP program is likewise designed to focus performance discussions and feedback/evaluations on mutually agreed-upon goals and assessment of outcomes and impact for classified employees.

I value this process for its structured approach to encouraging performance management which is based on a wealth of data and a tangible assessment of job outcomes.

There are a number of employees not currently covered by MAP or 360degree reviews. I have asked that a structured process be developed to ensure that these employees also reap the benefits of a regular assessment of their contributions to their unit and the university, and are recognized for their performance as a part of this review process.

I am pleased to see our staff, both supervisors and employees, willing to participate in an evaluation process. It is clearly indicative of the campus work culture.

At MSU, we work hard and are willing to be held accountable for what we produce and how we contribute to our part of the university. We can all take pride in this culture, as it drives our commitment to MSU and the quality of output we achieve.

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