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MSU News Service
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172220
Bozeman, MT 59717-2220

Tel: (406) 994-2721
Fax: (406) 994-4102
Location: 416 Culbertson

Tracy Ellig

Assistant Director
Carol Schmidt

> MSU News Service
Current News at MSU
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MSU International Food Bazaar set Feb. 21
January 14, 2009
MSU's 27th International Street Food Bazaar is set Feb.21 at the Strand Union Ballrooms. Read more...
MSU offers new degree program in sustainable food and bioenergy systems
January 14, 2009
Students enrolled in the new program will be able to take their first courses in the spring semester. Read more...
MSU scientists to appear Jan. 13 on National Geographic Channel
January 13, 2009
Two Montana State University researchers who study viruses in extreme environments are part of a program airing at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 13, on the National Geographic Channel. Read more...
History of photography lecture to be held Jan. 21
January 13, 2009
An expert on the American history of photography will give a free public lecture on Wednesday, Jan. 21, at Montana State University. Read more...
New MSU Extension program aims at safe pest management
January 13, 2009
MSU Extension has begun a new urban pest management program for professionals and homeowners that will aim at smart use of a wide range of pest control alternatives. Read more...
WTI offers free online road ecology course
January 12, 2009
Videotaped portions of a road ecology workshop hosted by Montana State University's Western Transportation Institute are now available for free online for professional development. Read more...
Host families needed for youth and young adults from abroad
January 12, 2009
Host homes are needed for youth and young adults from abroad who come to Montana as part of MSU Extension 4-H programs. Read more...
Free Extension information helps Montanans know what happens without a will
January 12, 2009
A free CD and Web site show Montanans how property would be distributed if they died without a will. Read more...
Lifelong learning courses begin at MSU Jan. 29
January 09, 2009
MSU Wonderlust classes begin Jan. 29
January 08, 2009 January 06, 2009
December 31, 2008December 30, 2008December 29, 2008December 25, 2008December 23, 2008December 22, 2008December 19, 2008December 18, 2008December 17, 2008December 16, 2008December 15, 2008
View Text-only Version Text-only Updated: 9/16/2005
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