SPS Online.
Risk Analysis Overview
risk Assessment.
Risk Management.
Risk Communication.
In-Depth Interpretation of Risk Assessment.
What is Risk Assessment.
What Risk Assessment Do & What They Not Do.
Conducting a Good Risk Assessmnet.
Precise Statement.
Imprecise Statement.
Imprecise Statement.
International Guidelines for Risk Analysis.
Guidelines Relative to Plant Protection & Quarantine.
Guidelines Relative to Veterinary Services.
Definition of a Region.
Benchmark Risk Levels.
Compliance with WTO Requirments.
Example - Background of South Africa.

General Guidelines for Risk Analysis Relative to Veterinary Services

Compliance with WTO-SPS Requirements

The low-prevalence benchmark complies with WTO-SPS requirements to recognize regions of low prevalence. In the case of each benchmark, the effort is to develop import requirements, on a case-by-case basis, that would reduce risk to a negligible level, a risk level similar to what might be presented by countries currently classified as disease-free.

It is APHIS' policy to evaluate requests based on the merits of the individual situation---and not according to a rigid classification scheme based on the five benchmarks. All requests from potential reporting regions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and each case will be evaluated based on the merits of the individual situation. Based on the evaluation, APHIS may develop a proposal regarding the appropriate import requirements that would be needed to present a negligible level of risk to the United States. The proposal would be published in the Federal Register to provide an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the evaluation and the proposal and to provide any additional relevant input to APHIS.