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Risk Analysis Overview
risk Assessment.
Risk Management.
Risk Communication.
In-Depth Interpretation of Risk Assessment.
What is Risk Assessment.
What Risk Assessment Do & What They Not Do.
Conducting a Good Risk Assessmnet.
Precise Statement.
Imprecise Statement.
Imprecise Statement.
International Guidelines for Risk Analysis.
Guidelines Relative to Plant Protection & Quarantine.
Guidelines Relative to Veterinary Services.
Definition of a Region.
Benchmark Risk Levels.
Compliance with WTO Requirments.
Example - Background of South Africa.

General Guidelines for Risk Analysis Relative to Veterinary Services

Example---Background of South Africa Situation

Here is an example of a request received from South Africa that shows APHIS has applied the regionalization policy:

USDA has considered the entire country of South Africa to be affected with foot and mouth disease (FMD) because the disease was present in the Kruger National Park. USDA has historically restricted import of animals and products from FMD-affected countries by regulations in 9 CFR Part 94.1and 9 CFR 94.11.

South Africa requested the Veterinary Services recognize separate regions of the country as FMD-free (that part of the country excluding Kruger National Park and an additional surrounding area) and FMD-affected (Kruger National Park and the defined surrounding area).

Veterinary Services evaluated the paperwork submitted in support of the request, conducted site visits, and decided (on the basis of a risk assessment, see reference at bottom of middle column of Page 7819 of the Federal Register notice, the web site address of which is indicated below) that the risk of introduction of FMD from the part of South Africa excluding Kruger National Park and the surrounding area was low. APHIS published a rule in which it has proposed to modify its regulations to reduce the level of restrictions on imports from South Africa.

http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ppd/rad/webrepor.html, click on regulations, and find the following:

Docket #: 98-029-I
Title: Change in Disease Status of the Republic of South Africa
          Because of Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Rinderpest.
Docket Type: PRM
Publication Date: 2/17/99
CFR Part: 9.94
FR Citation: 64 FR 7618


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