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 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program 
 Colorado River Indian Reservation Unit,  AZ and CA

Lower Colorado Regional Office

La Paz County, Arizona, and the eastern part of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California

General Description

 Reclamation-The Colorado River Indian Reservation is located in the Lower Colorado River Basin below Parker Dam in La Paz County, Arizona, and the eastern part of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California.

The United States Supreme Court allocated water to irrigate 107,588 acres, of which 99,374 acres are in Arizona and 8,213 acres are in California.  The allocation of the court also provided for a maximum diversion of 717,148 acrefeet.  In 1978, 75,405 acres were irrigated with Colorado River water diverted at Headgate Rock Dam.  About 200 miles of canals and laterals delivered water to irrigate this acreage.  Irrigation return flows are collected in a 100 mile drainage system and are returned to the river.

The purpose of the Colorado River Indian Reservation Unit investigation was to formulate a plan to reduce the salt loading to the Colorado River from irrigation on the reservation.  An analysis of the diversions to and the drainage from the reservation indicated that the reservation did not make a net salt contribution to the river.  Consequently, the investigation was terminated and a concluding report released in October 1979.

USDA-A cooperative river basin study was published by USDA for the Colorado River Indian Reservation.  Data available from this study support the hypothesis that a minimal amount of salt is picked up on the reservation and that longterm benefits of better irrigation systems and practices appear to have a relatively small effect on downstream salinity.  The final USDA report, Water Conservation and Resource Development, Colorado River Indian Reservation, which did not identify a recommended plan, was published and distributed under authority of Section 6 of the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act (Public Law 83566).

See other Basinwide Salinity Control Projects.


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