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Division of Exercise Physiology

Message From the Chair
Stephen E. Alway
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Exercise Physiology is the study of the biological and biochemical processes associated with exercise and overload that affects the underlying function of cells and organ systems in the human body. Exercise physiology is a rapidly evolving field that is becoming increasingly important in the delivery of health care. Exercise physiologists work to prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease in healthy participants or to provide therapeutic or functional benefits to patients with known disease. Services may be offered in a variety of medical settings such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and out-patient clinics, in community, corporate, commercial and university fitness and wellness centers, in nursing homes and senior citizens centers, as well as in research and academic settings. Research by scientists trained in Exercise Physiology have greatly expanded our understanding of the ways in which exercise affects cell function. Advances in research in Exercise Physiology has provided a foundation for many types of medical treatment in areas that include but not limited to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, aging, obesity and disuse atrophy. Employment opportunities are expanding and increase with experience and level of education.

The Division of Exercise of Physiology at the West Virginia University School of Medicine has 16 full time faculty and other affiliated faculty who are engaged in interdisciplinary studies that span molecular, cellular, systems and behavioral sciences, with strong emphases in muscle biology, cardiovascular biology, diabetes and aging. We are proud of the fact that in 2007, the faculty in our Ph.D. program in Exercise Physiology have been ranked 7th Nationally by the Chronicles of Higher Education. This ranking is based upon research publications, research citations and federal funding for our graduate faculty. (Click to view the article)
If you would like to study Exercise Physiology at a top 10 program, then Exercise Physiology at West Virginia University School of Medicine is the place for you!

We have a very strong four year undergraduate program which is quickly approaching 800 students in our major. A high percentage of the graduates of our undergraduate program choose to go on to professional schools for additional training including: medical school, schools of dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Our undergraduate program is the ideal and preferred pre-medical and pre-professional training program because it provides training in anatomy, physiology, all of the pre-requisites for medical school and also provides a sound clinical training with patients (e.g., patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes etc.) in our human performance laboratory, under the supervision of our medical director.

Our undergraduate program trains Exercise physiologists to evaluate people in the areas of cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, neuromuscular integration, and body composition. They are also trained to provide exercise programs based on the results of these evaluations that are designed to increase the functional capacity of the participants. Our Masters program specializes in working with persons with diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They will become leaders who will supervise Exercise Physiologists in hospitals, rehabilitation, aquatic therapy programs, fitness or academic settings. Our doctoral program trains scientists to develop careers in research and teaching in academia, industry, research foundations or governmental agencies.

The research activities of many of our faculty and graduate students involves studies of mechanisms of a diverse number of human diseases and conditions such as aging-induced sarcopenia, muscle loss by weightlessness (e.g. space flight), heart failure, diabetes, neuromuscular disorders and obesity. The research success of the Division of Exercise Physiology is growing and we are recruiting new research faculty who will contribute to solidifying an even greater recognition of the quality and international recognition of our Division faculty.

To prepare graduate students for careers in teaching and research, the Graduate Program in Exercise Physiology provides doctoral training in mechanistic studies of important cellular and systems processes that are regulated by exercise or lack of exercise (disuse) or a clinically important disease. Students gain knowledge and expertise through formal course work, doctoral research in the laboratories of their research mentors, journal clubs and seminars, and in public presentations of their research data and teaching. Student research is carried out in the laboratories of Divisional faculty as well as faculty mentors associated with other Research Centers such as The Center for Integrative Research in Cardiovascular Sciences, The Center for Diabetes and Obesity, and the Departments of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Immunology and Cell Biology, Medicine, and Neurology, Our program is interdisciplinary in its approach to scientific research, reflecting the interests of our faculty and the breadth of the discipline of Exercise Physiology. In keeping with this theme, doctoral training in Exercise Physiology at West Virginia University School of Medicine concentrates on biochemical, molecular biological, and systems approaches to studies of physiological processes in a human diseases.

Graduates of our Ph.D. program have obtained postdoctoral positions in prestigious universities and medical schools, including Harvard School of Medicine, the University of Florida and others. Still others have pursued teaching careers in medical schools in Departments of Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy. While every one of our graduates receives rigorous training in research, an ideal career for some will place greater emphasis on teaching than research. For these students we offer additional training and experience in teaching including training in syllabus and lecture construction. Whichever career path a student may choose, the faculty in Exercise Physiology we will provide them options in course work and experience that will develop and refine their interests and significantly enhance their career prospects.

We appreciate the time you have taken to visit our Website and hope that you will contact us with questions you may have about undergraduate training, or training in our masters or doctoral training programs or opportunities in research. There are outstanding opportunities for training in Exercise Physiology at West Virginia University School of Medicine, leading to challenging and rewarding careers in fitness, rehabilitation, research or teaching, or it may also provide you the best opportunity for acceptance into medical school, physical therapy or some other professional school. We look forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes,

Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., FACSM
Professor and Chair