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Heat stress in agriculture


Additional resources

  • Audio heat stress messages are available on AsisTel by calling 1-800-514-4494.
    The messages related to heat stress are:
    No. 161- Why heat stress happens
    No. 162 - How to avoid heat related illnesses
    No. 163 - Employers role in combating workers’ heat stress
    No. 164 - Heat stress doesn’t only happen in hot weather
  • Heat stress field education card (pdf)

Key points about heat stress are compiled concisely in Spanish and English on pocket-sized fold-out cards for distribution to California’s outdoor agricultural labor force. Farm Bureau is coordinating distribution by offering free supplies of cards to agricultural employers statewide. To order copies, contact Danielle Rau at drau@cfbf.com, (800) 698-3276, Ext. 5596. The card may be downloaded in pdf format.