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Wellton Mohawk Title Transfer
Final Environmental Impact Statement

Below is the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the transfer of title to facilities, works, and lands of the Gila Project, Wellton-Mohawk Division to Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District in Yuma County, Arizona. The Draft EIS for this activity is available on Reclamation's Yuma Area Office website.

Note: All files are formatted as PDF files and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.

Document File Size

Cover and Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Description of Alternatives

Chapter 3 - Affected Environment & Consequences

Chapter 4 - Other NEPA Considerations

Chapter 5 - Consulation and Coordination


Preparers and References

Document Distribution


     Appendix A - Transfer Act and Memo of Agreement
     Appendix B - Comment Letters
     Appendix C - Maps and Tables of Lands
     Appendix D - Categorization of Lands
     Appendix E - Land Use Evaluation
     Appendix F - USFWS and AFGD Correspondence
     Appendix G - Cultural Resources Correspondence
          Part 1
          Part 2
          Part 3
          Part 4
     Appendix H - Public Participation
     Appendix I - Reponse to Public Comments

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Webmaster: Colleen Dwyer, cdwyer@lc.usbr.gov
Updated: December 2006