News and Updates
Thursday, February 9 2006

  • 24 January 2006
  • Cash Receipts data
    We've uncovered some anomalies in our cash receipts data. Chances ... [ more ]
  • 09 January 2006
  • New RSS Feed
    The Data Center has added an RSS feed for its news items. Now you ... [ more ]
  • 07 December 2005
  • 2003 Poverty Data
    Census has recently released their 2003 small-area povert estimates. ... [ more ]
  • 10 October 2005
  • Bordering counties: fixed
    We have repaired the ... [ more ]
  • 29 September 2005
  • Hair Transplant
    Hair loss is more severe a problem among men, though women do suffer from it. See Hair Transplant info... [ more ]

    Liposuction Conference. Liposuction is a common plastic surgery this is gaining popularity. This type of cosmetic surgery is the most popular plastic surgeries of all in the United States. This type of procedure is performed to literally suction out extra fat deposits from under a person's skin. It is a method of body contouring and is most often used for people who have troublesome fatty areas on their bodies that simply will not go away with proper diet and exercise. Cosmetic Surgery, Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Gastric Bypass, Microdermabrasion, Facelift, Breast Reduction, Restylane, Mole Removal, Breast Lift, Laser Hair Removal, Tattoo Removal, Rhinoplasty, Gynecomastia, Body Lift, Acne Treatments, Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty), Dermabrasion.

  • 12 September 2005
  • Health Blog
    The following procedures are available: Rhinoplasty Cost, Hand Surgery, Body Contouring, Eyelash Extension, Cosmetic Dentistry. [ more ]
    The Data Center serves the data and information needs of The Ohio State University, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Ohio's citizens. The Data Center is a member of the Ohio Data Resource Network, a cooperative venture of the U.S. Census Bureau, the Ohio Department of Development, Office of Strategic Research, and many other agencies and organizations throughout Ohio.

    Manufacturer Directories: Global B2B Network, Germes Directory, ES, PT, FR.

    The Data Center is now located in the Department of Human and Community Resource Development, 248 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210.

    For more information about how the Data Center can help you, please contact Rosemary Gliem, Ph.D., Director.

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