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Commodity Operations
Vessel Loading Observation (VLO) Information/Inspections

Vessel Loading Observation certificates are required for all commodities, excluding bagged whole grains, shipped under the PL 480 Title II and Title III, Food For Progress, and Section 416(b) programs. The requirements/procedures are explained in the following Notices To The Trade.

EOD-110 - May 10, 2002 - Recoopering Packaged Commodities For Food Aid Programs

EOD-68 - May 5, 2000 - Change in Vessel Loading Observation Requirements and Procedures


Contact Information

USDA/FSA/Kansas City Commodity Office
International Procurement Division
Procurement Support Branch, Stop 8738
P. O. Box 419205
Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6205

Telephone: 816-926-6552
Fax: 816-823-3059

Express Mail Address:

USDA/FSA/Kansas City Commodity Office
International Procurement Division
Procurement Support Branch, Stop 8738
6501 Beacon Drive
Kansas City, Missouri 64133-4676
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Related Topics
 Bullet Commodity Requirements
 Bullet Solicitation Information
 Bullet Port/Terminal Information
 Bullet Cargo Surveys
 Bullet Vessel Loading Observation
 Bullet Commodity Operations' Reports
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