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Services & Programs



Public Information & Education


Technical Assistance


  • Fish & Wildlife Resources Fund Grant Program 
    The CWCB has been vested with the authority to grant moneys for mitigation projects for existing facilities through the Fish and Wildlife Resources Fund Grant Program (FWLRF) pursuant to §37-60-122.2(5) C.R.S. Applicants may apply for grants under the FWLRF for mitigation of existing water diversion, delivery or storage facilities.
  • Flood Hazard Mitigation Grants
    The CWCB partners with FEMA to administer the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program, which provides grants to communities to develop Flood Hazard Mitigation Plans, and for completing Flood Hazard Mitigation projects to reduce community flood risks.
  • Non-Reimbursable Project Investments
    Grants for projects or studies which are of statewide impact or importance are available. In addition, feasibility studies and demonstration projects that answer questions related to statewide water issues or have significant potential to result in a Construction Fund Loan may be eligible.
  • Water Efficiency Grant Program
    $3 million is available through June 30, 2012. Covered entities, and other state or local governmental entities, can use the money to develop water conservation and drought mitigation plans & to implement goals specified in their locally adopted water conservation plan. Covered entities, state and local governments and any agency can use the money to provide education and outreach focused on demonstrating the benefits of water resource conservation.
  • Watershed Protection Fund
    Senate Bill 02-087, adopted by the 2002 Colorado General Assembly, establishes the Colorado Watershed Protection Fund (CWPF). The legislation authorized the Fund to be added to the Colorado Individual Income Tax Refund Check-off Program to give taxpayers the opportunity to voluntarily contribute to watershed protection efforts in Colorado.
  • Watershed Restoration Grants
    The CWCB administers a "watershed restoration appropriation" that provides annual funding for planning and engineering studies for watershed restoration and flood mitigation projects throughout the state.
  • Weather Modification Grants
    The CWCB administers a "weather modification appropriation" to assist water conservation districts, water conservancy districts, and other water providers with the development of cloud seeding programs that provide benefits to recreation, streams, and reservoirs through snowpack enhancement.

  • Water Project Loan Program
    Low interest Construction Loans are available to qualified borrowers for water resource projects that develop and/or preserve waters statewide. Interest rates range from 2.0% to 5.25 %. The Loan Fund has approximately $35 million available for new loans each year.
Public Information & Education

  • Governor’s Water Availability Task Force
    The OWCDP provides leadership through the Water Availability Task Force to monitor, forecast, mitigate, and prepare for drought around the State. Information is made available to the public, media, and state officials.
  • Governor's Flood Task Force
    The Flood Protection program provides leadership through the Flood Task Force to monitor, forecast, mitigate and prepare for floods and severe weather around the State. Information is made available to the public, media, and state officials.
  • Water Conservation Public Information & Education 
    The OWCDP is responsible for acting as a repository for water conservation and drought mitigation planning information and disseminating that information to water providers and the general public.  Information includes printed material, a comprehensive list of water conservation and drought information resources, local and regional workshops and presentations, and personal contacts.
  • Water Resource Information Center
    Maintain a central resource center for the review and analysis of CWCB actions, CWCB recommendations, publications, studies, reports, and associated materials designed to educate the public and help water users make sound resource decisions.

  • Endangered Species Act Implementation
    The Water Protection Section staff work closely with federal and other state agencies to implement programs designed to prevent the loss of endangered species, and aid in their return to a non-threatened status, while maintaining water users’ ability to use the waters of the state without significant impacts.
  • Floodplain Information Designation & Approval 
    The CWCB works with local governments and FEMA to develop and approve new Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
  • Flood Preparation & Response 
    The Flood Protection Section of the CWCB is tasked with preparing for and responding to flood events, including conducting field and technical activities in response to significant floods in Colorado.
  • Instream Flow and Natural Lake Level Program
    The CWCB requests recommendations for streams and lakes to be protected, and appropriates new instream flow or natural lake level water rights to preserve the natural environment. CWCB staff review water right applications and monitor stream gages to ensure existing instream flow or natural lake level water rights are protected. Staff also work with willing owners to acquire existing decreed water rights to preserve and improve the natural environment.
  • Recreational In-Channel Diversions
    This program ensures that decrees for recreational in-channel diversions, as recognized by the Colorado Supreme Court in the City of Thornton v. City of Fort Collins case, are integrated into the state prior appropriation system in a manner which appropriately balances the need for water based recreational opportunities with the ability of Colorado citizens to divert and store water under our compact entitlements for more traditional consumptive use purposes, such as municipal, industrial and agricultural uses.
  • Salinity Control
    Program staff routinely works with other state and federal agencies to implement policies on salinity control in compact waters as mandated by the federal government.Streamflow MonitoringIn cooperation with the Division of Water Resources, the CWCB purchases, installs and monitors stream gages for instream flow protection and flood warnings. 
  • Streamflow Monitoring
    In cooperation with the Division of Water Resources, the CWCB purchases, installs and monitors stream gages for instream flow protection and flood warnings.
  • Water Project Investigations & Development 
    With the aid of Colorado Decision Support System tools, the Water Protection Section assists other state and federal agencies with investigating and developing water projects in Colorado. Section staff routinely perform hydrologic investigations, attend EIS and other planning meetings, and provide consultation on compact obligations.
  • Weather Modification Program
    The CWCB administers this program which provides permits for weather modification activities such as cloud seeding.
Technical Assistance

  • Decision Support Systems
    Colorado's Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are water management systems being developed by the CWCB and the Colorado Division of Water Resources for each of Colorado's major water basins. The goal of these systems is to assist in making informed decisions regarding historic and future use of water.
  • Electronic Data Management
    Provide a comprehensive centralized inventory of the CWCB’s electronic data. Ensure electronically imaged documents, maps, and data are available to and accessible by the water community, the public, and CWCB staff through desktop software and the Internet.
  • Mapping & GIS 
    Create and provide consistently accurate spatial data and mapping to meet the agency’s needs, as well as making spatial products available to the general public.
  • Technical Assistance for Drought Mitigation Planning
    The OWCDP promotes meaningful drought mitigation planning by assisting covered entities and state and local governmental entities to develop drought mitigation plans. Support is provided in developing a plan that determines the action and procedures for responding to a drought-related water supply emergency before an actual water shortage emergency occurs.
  • Technical Assistance for Water Conservation Planning
    The OWCDP promotes meaningful water conservation planning by assisting covered entities to develop water conservation plans. Support is provided in setting goals to promote and ensure water use efficiency, wise water use, water transmission and distribution system efficiency, and supply substitution.