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The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has joined with more than 20 public and private sector partners to bring together the resources of the Liberty Corridor and unlock its potential. An area of seven northeastern counties and one western county, the Liberty Corridor of New Jersey is where multi-modal transportation systems, such as ports, highways, airports, rail lines and research facilities, play a vital role in linking and nurturing an historic base economy of manufacturing and commerce with global implications.

The Corridor benefits the state and the nation as it brings together its resources to create a coordinated, innovative program that unlocks the potential of the region. It also empowers multiple public and private stakeholders, who act in concert to achieve major regional and national objectives. Three beneficial, although broad, transportation objectives of the Corridor are to:

  • enhance access to innovative programs,
  • make critical connections and separations, and
  • clear chokepoints.

Specifically, the Liberty Corridor addresses critical national and regional economic and transportation needs; has national and regional benefits; includes multiple levels of government; coordinates modes of transportation and transportation goals among various governments, agencies and private parties; and has garnered a significant amount of non-federal commitments with identified stable funding sources to advance the projects included in Phase I.

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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2009
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  June 24, 2008