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Sampling Locations for H5N1 Avian Influenza in Alaska in 2008

Map Locations 47 through 56

Sampling Locations for Avian Influenza for sites 47 through 56 in 2008

Site (Map) Number
Species General Location Specific Locations Latitude* Longitude* Organizations** Type of Sample Code
47 Tundra Swan Northern Alaska Peninsula King Salmon area 58.4118 -156.394 USFWS R7 Live
47 Ruddy Turnstone Northern Alaska Peninsula King Salmon area 58.4118 -156.394 USGS-ASC Live
48 Bar-tailed Godwit Alaska Peninsula Cinder Lagoon 57.35 -158.09 USGS-ASC Live
49 Steller's Eider Alaska Peninsula Nelson Lagoon 56.0007 -161.121 USFWS R7 Live
50 Fall Hunter / Northern Pintail, Black Brant, Mallards, and Green-winged teal Alaska Peninsula Izembek Lagoon 55.1857 -162.504 USFWS R7 Fall Hunter
50 Steller's Eider Alaska Peninsula Izembek Lagoon 55.1857 -162.504 USFWS R7 Live
50 Tundra Swan Alaska Peninsula Izembek NWR 55.1502 -162.45 USFWS R7 Live
51 Thick-billed murre Pribilof Islands St. Paul Island 57.1644 -170.174 USFWS R7 Live
52 Thick-billed murre Pribilof Islands St. George Island 63.6872 -170.476 USFWS R7 Live
53 Common Eider Aleutians Adak Island 51.6778 -177.433 USGS-ASC Live
54 Common Eider Aleutians Tanaga Island 51.7707 -177.632 USGS-ASC Live
55 Common Eider Aleutians Amchitka Island 51.3789 179.2583 USGS-ASC Live
56 Common Eider Aleutians Rat Island 51.7989 178.3028 USGS-ASC Live

* Latitude/Longitudes on this map represent general locations and not specific sampling sites

** Key to Organizations

USFWS R7: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 7
USGS-ASC: U.S. Geological Survey - Alaska Science Center

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