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Dairy 2020 Early Planning Grant Program

The goal of the Dairy 2020 Early Planning Grant program is to encourage and stimulate the start-up, modernization, and expansion of Wisconsin dairy farms.

Since its inception in 1996, the Dairy 2020 program has provided more than $2,545,000 to over 925 Wisconsin dairy producers.

Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants for the Dairy 2020 Early Planning Grant program include existing and start-up Wisconsin dairy producers whose farms are, or will be located in a city, town or village with a population less than 6,000.

Eligible Activities
Proceeds from an award may be used only to cover the cost of having a qualified, independent third party provide the professional services necessary to assist the applicant in the start-up, modernization, or expansion of a dairy farm.  Eligible professional services include activities such as the preparation of a comprehensive business plan.

Financial Management Professionals

Funding Availability
Although Commerce can provide 75% of eligible project costs up to a maximum of $3,000, the actual amount of funds awarded to any applicant is based upon factors such as:

  • The viability of the project
  • The project's economic impact
  • Fund availability

Matching Funds
Applicants will be required to contribute at least 25% of the total project costs from sources other than the State of Wisconsin.

The Application Process
The Dairy 2020 Early Planning Grant program application process involves three steps:

  1. Interested applicants must first talk with the Director of the Dairy 2020 Program (see contact information below), who will discuss the project's eligibility, provide a copy of the application manual, and identify other programs that could potentially assist the applicant.
  2. The applicant will complete the application manual and submit it to the Department for review.
  3. The project will be underwritten and a funding recommendation will be made. The project will either be:
  1. Denied, in which case the applicant will receive a letter outlining the reasons for denial,


  1. Approved, in which case the applicant will receive a notification of award.

For additional information on the Dairy 2020 Early Planning Grant, please contact:

Irv Possin
Executive Director
Dairy 2020 Program, Department of Commerce
140 North Main Street
P.O. Box 1303
Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1303
Phone:  920/322-1888
Fax:   920/929-7126
Email: Irv.Possin@wisconsin.gov