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Michigan State University Extension
Thomas G. Coon, Director
Agriculture Hall,
Room 108
Michigan State University
East Lansing,
MI 48824-1039
Phone: 517-355-2308
Fax: 517-355-6473
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Food Preservation
Related Area of Expertise Team Detach
Home & Garden Information Detach

Examples of the materials available from the Extension Library under Lawn Grubs:

Better Lawns: Establishment, Maintenance, Renovation, Lawn Problems Grasses

The publication describes how to prepare the planting area and planting the lawn. Maintaining the lawn and dealing with lawn problems are also discussed. A short section describes ground cover plants that can be used as an alternative to turf. Pesticide recommendations are not current and should not be used. 36 pp. Archive copy of bulletin. Do not use for current recommendations.
 Calosoma sycophanta: A Natural Enemy of Gypsy Moth Larvae

Information on the use of Calosoma sycophanta for control of Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar. Includes color photographs.
 Choosing a Lawn Care Company

Two-page document outlining how to make an informed decision when choosing a lawn care company.

 Common Oak Defoliators in Michigan

Comparison between gypsy moth larvae and those of other common insects that defoliat trees.
 Controlling Lawn Weeds with Herbicides

A comprehensive guide for controlling weeds in lawns. However, many of the herbicide recommendations are no longer current. The publication includes a number of line drawings of common lawn weeds. 16 pp. Archive copy of bulletin. Do not use for current recommendations.
 Crabgrass Control in Home Lawns

Information on the best ways to manage and prevent crabgrass in your home lawn.
 Cutworm-like critters in the soil

How to identify millipedes, ground beetle adults and larvae, crane fly larvae, and "baby" earthworms in your soil.
 Dry Bean Insect Pests

Information on the management of dry bean insect pests. Pests covered are Annual Grub Adults, Aphids, Armyworm, Bean Leaf Beetle, Black Cutworms, Grasshoppers, Green Cloverworm, Mexican Bean Beetle, Mites, Plant Bugs, Potato Leafhopper, Seedcorn Maggot, Slugs, Thrips, White grubs, and Wireworms.

 Early Season Soil Pests

Information on 4 soil pests that emerge early in the growing season. Pests covered are: Seedcorn maggot, Wireworms, White grubs, and Slugs.
 Early Spring Turf Tips

Tips for taking care of your home lawn and preparing it for the summer season.
 Establishing a New Lawn Using Seed

Successful lawn establishment means doing the right thing at the right time. Commonly, new lawns fail to become established because of poor quality seed, improper selection of turfgrass species or varieties, poor soil conditions, improper site preparation or lack of irrigation after seeding. New lawns can be established using seed either by traditional seeding methods or by hydroseeding.

 European Chafer and Japanese Beetle on Sod Farms

Information on the best ways to manage grub problems on sod farms.

 Evaluation of Insecticides to Control Emerald Ash Borer Adults and Larvae

Evaluation of widely available insecticide products and application methods to assess their effectiveness in controlling the emerald ash borer.

 Field Corn Insect Pests

Description of several common field corn insect pests, including: Aphids, Armyworm, Billbugs, Cereal Leaf Beetle Adults, Corn Rootworm Adults, Cutworms, European Corn Borer, Flea Beetle, Grasshoppers, Japanese beetle adults, Mites, Seedcorn Maggot, Slugs, Stalk Borers, Thrips, White Grubs and Wireworms.
 Grape rootworm

Describes characteristics of Grape rootworm and the environment in which it begins to appear. Includes colored photographs of adult and larvae grape rootworm.
 Homelawn Grub Control

Information about the best products to use for home lawn grub control.

Publication describes Hornworms which can also be referred to as sphingid larvae. Discusses characteristics of the pest. Includes color photographs of Hornworms.
 How To Buy Lawn Seed

General discussion of what to look for when buying lawn seed. Labeling for turfgrass seed is discussed. Brief descriptions of major cool and warm season turfgrass species are provided. 3 pp. Archive copy of bulletin. Do not use for current recommendations.
I've got MOLES!

Information about the biology of moles and the best ways to eliminate them from your lawn.
Identifying Emerald Ash Borer and Larvae

Video showing how to correctly identify emerald ash borer and its larvae.

Integrated Pest Management: The Lawn Problem Solver

Assists homeowners residing in the North Central Region to solve common lawn problems using an integrated pest management process.


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Home Maintenance and Repair Detach

Home Maintenance and Repair database

This database was one of the first stand alone databases created by MSU Extension. It started with the programming being done in a county. The questions that the database could answer fell into three categories, Food Preservation, Home Maintenance and Home Horticulture, many of the same questions that counties deal with today. The timing of the database and its’ updates have coincided with several events in Michigan including previous energy crisis, financial crisis and in general economic hard times. The database includes information on recovery from fire and flood, how to get out stains, energy conservation measures including home landscaping, and window treatments, to geothermal furnaces. It also includes common pest management, and how to clean practically anything in your house, including how to make your own low cost and green cleaners. The database was recently updated to a smoother web look and feel, and some updated information on energy management was added. The database has been very popular with internet users, who range all over the world, and has been cited in magazines, textbooks, popular cleaning books, TV and other internet sites. Questions about using the database have come from realtors, teachers, professors, businesses, all the way to HUD and other governmental agencies. It may not be completely comprehensive for all the latest gadgets or methods, but those that are listed in it are sound. The small pest management information needs to be reviewed yet, but all include a disclaimer that they need to talk with their local Extension office for the latest and greatest information. This database is designed to help county offices, or home user find basic information, it is not designed to turn them into a contractor, or to solve all their problems, but it does help them find some simple help in managing a home and all the accompanying cleaning and maintenance problems that can go with it.
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Home & Garden - Related Dept Detach

MSU Extension

Diversity & Multiculturalism

Emerald Ash Borer

Family and Consumer Sciences

Greenhouse Energy Cost Reduction Strategies

Master Gardener

Michigan Natural Features Inventory

MSU Extension's International Programs

MSU Library Information Center

Sea Grant
Michigan Sea Grant Extension enhances and facilitates the wise use of the Great Lakes through the
education of resource users and managers.

Sea Grant-Coast Watch
Lake Surface Temperature Reporting System

Turgrass Science

Urban Collaborators

Youth Development / 4-H

College of Ag and Natural Resources

Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station

Agricultural Weather
MSU Agricultural Weather Office and the National Weather Service.

Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering (jointly with Engineering)

Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies(CARRS)

Construction Management

Entomology (jointly with Natural Science)

Fisheries and Wildlife

Food Science and Human Nutrition (jointly with Human Ecology)



Institute for Food Laws & Regulations

Institute of Water Research

MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory (jointly with Natural Science)

MSU Variety Trials 

Plant Pathology

Plant Transformation Center

School of Packaging

Travel, Tourism and Recreation Resource Center (TTRRC)

Veterinary Extension

Other Resources

AGNIC@MSU A link to comprehensive information on the following Michigan grown products: Asparagus, Blueberries, Cherries, and Maple Syrup.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Links to Extension OPM resources, CAT Alerts, and pest ID and management

MSU Museum Critter Guy

MSU Diagnostic Services
Identification of plant pest problems and soil testing

My Horse University

National Food Safety Center

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 Site MapLinking | Disclaimer | Anti-Discrimination Statement © 2003 Michigan State University    
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Thomas G. Coon, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.