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This page contains information aimed at providing the practitioner, executive, and the curious with the basics they need for taking advantage of the various technologies with support built-in and provided in the Solaris OS, and to help you start understanding why product accessibility is important to you.

Application Development

Java Accessibility Quick Tips

Quick tips on how to make Java applications accessible.

IBM: Coding for Accessibility

Use JFC/Swing to build accessibility into your Java applications.

Developing Accessible JFC Applications

A shorter companion document to "IBM: Coding for Accessibility" that focuses on strategies for passing Java Accessibility Helper tool tests.

Accessibility Quick Reference Guide

All about accessibility: what it is, why it is important, tips, and additional resources.



Sun Demos Accessibility for Open-Source Systems

November 03, 2004
Highlights of Sun activities at the 2004 Interagency Disability Educational Awareness Showcase (IDEAS) conference in Washington.

Accessibility and the Swing Set

April 12, 2003
This article explains what accessibility is, shows how accessibility is implemented in the Java Foundation Classes (JFC), and describes how easy it is to build accessible applications using Swing components.

GNOME Technology Overview

March, 2002
This article provides a technical overview of the GNOME features that will help Sun Microsystems to deliver a leading open desktop platform for many high-quality applications with diverse requirements and, at the same time, provide a fertile environment for innovators.

Interface and Web Content Design

W3C User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

This document provides guidelines for designing user agents that lower barriers to Web accessibility for people with disabilities (visual, hearing, physical, cognitive, and neurological).

The Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines

Written for interface designers, this book provides essential information for anyone involved in creating cross-platform applications and applets in the Java programming language.

White Papers

Towards Accessible HCI

A broad overview of the software human-computer interaction (HCI) issues surrounding access to computer systems.

The Basics of the Java Platform: A User-Focused Discussion

An overview of the Java platform and the accessibility support it enables. Gives examples of ways the Java platform is used today without getting into technical details.

Primer on the Java Platform and Java Accessibility

A high-level overview of the Java platform, Swing user interface components of the Java Foundation Classes and the accessibility support they provide, and identifies some broader aspects of accessibility.