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 Congressman Denny Rehberg, 516 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515


Janaury 14, 2009
Rehberg Statement on House Passage of CHIP Expansion

WASHINGTON, D.C.Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement regarding the passage of the House State Children’s Health Insurance Program extension.  He voted in favor of the bill.


“The Children’s Health Insurance Program is a great example of what happens when we put aside partisanship to find workable solutions to our shared problems.  Passed in 1997 by a Republican Congress and signed into law by a Democratic President, CHIP has made a difference for thousands of Montana’s working families for more than a decade.  Today, the House passed an expansion of SCHIP that will move the process forward and ultimately result in healthcare for as many as 20,000 additional low-income children in Montana.  This bill is not perfect, and there are some changes I would like to see in the final version.  I’m pleased that Congress was able to act in a bipartisan way on behalf of children and I look forward to working with the Senate to get a final bill to President Obama’s desk.”


Prior to the vote, Rehberg delivered his first floor speech of the 111th Congress on the subject of the SCHIP expansion.  Video of the statement can be seen online here:

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