USDA Forest Service

Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests

Special Programs
Got a question, comment, or suggestion? We'd like to hear it! Help us improve our services to you by giving us your feedback.

Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests
4931 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29212

(803) 561-4000

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


Welcome to the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests' electronic news room.


Current year's news releases are available here. More.



Fact sheets are available here. More.

Important information for media visiting a wildfire or prescribed fire on the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests. This link will take you to Safety and Travel Tips for Media


The Public Affairs staff is comprised of four permanent employees whose primary purpose is to support all other functions of the forests. More.


Supervisor's Orders
Each Forest Supervisor may issue orders which close or restrict the use of described areas... This link will take you to the Supervisor's Orders


Public Affairs Staff

Public Affairs Staff OfficerMichelle Burnett

(803) 561-4091

Michelle Burnett became the Public Affairs Staff Officer for the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests in October 2006 following a nine-year career with the National Oceanic and Amospheric Administration (NOAA). While at NOAA, Michelle served as a Legislative Affairs Specialist in Washington, D.C. for five years. She then moved to southeastern Virginia to become the Outreach and Education Specialist for the NOAA Monitor National Marine Sanctuary and later served as the Communications Manager for the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. Before joining NOAA, Michelle spent six years on Capitol Hill as a Legislative Assistant for U.S. Senator Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D-SC) where she worked on several issues including agriculture appropriations, the Farm Bill and rural development.




Public Affairs SpecialistGwyn Ingram

(803) 561-4007

Gwyn began her career in 1991 as a volunteer Nordic ski and snowmobile patroller on the Sierra National Forest in California. Volunteering led her to a position as lead wilderness ranger, and later to wilderness manager positions in the John Muir, Ansel Adams and Desolation wildernesses. In 2008 she returned to the southeast and to her writing and editorial background, taking the postion of public affairs specialist for the Francis Marion and Sumter national forests.



Interpretative/Conservation Education SpecialistGwen Beavans
(864) 427-9858
Cellular Phone: (404) 561-2643
Gwen started her career with the Forest Service while in college at North Carolina State University studying forestry. She has worked for the Pisgah, Nantahala, and Sumter National Forests serving as forester, silviculturist, and NEPA coordinator. In 1992 she joined the Francis Marion and Sumter Supervisor’s Office as Interpretive Services Specialist.



Information AssistantCaroline Forney
(803) 561-4002
Caroline started her Forest Service career as a mail clerk in 1985. She now works as the Information Assistant. Caroline started her career with the government in 1966 as a clerk-typist for the Adjutant General, Fort Jackson and remained there until 1983.



USDA Forest Service - Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests
Last Modified: Wednesday, 17 December 2008 at 09:45:32 EST December 17, 2008

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