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Google Earth and Tracking Data

The Douglas Argos-Filter Algorithm

The Douglas Argos-Filter Algorithm ingests Argos satellite tracking data (DIAG format only) and flags improbable locations based on user-defined distance and velocity thresholds. The algorithm writes all results to ASCII comma-delimited files for spreadsheet or GIS applications, as well as KML 2.0 files compatible with Google™ Earth. The entire unfiltered data set is also output, so in its minimum application, the algorithm is a useful tool for parsing Argos DIAG data into a more convenient digital format.

Tracking Sea Otters with Telemetry

Animal Movement and Spatial Tools

Animal Movement is an ArcView extension that contains a collection of over 40 functions specifically designed to aid in the analysis of animal movement. This data could be collected from radio tags, sonic tags, Argos satellite tags or observational data. The program is designed to implement a wide variety of animal movement functions in an integrated GIS environment. The program also has significant utility for analyzing other point phenomena.

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