Extension News & Multimedia
Posted by: Dennis Hinkamp on Jan 9, 2009

Tips for Longer Lasting Resolutions

Answer by: Lou Mueller, Utah State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, San Juan County
If you made New Year’s resolutions for 2009, you may already be struggling to maintain your resolve. In a research study of 1,000 people, 98 percent said they were unable to keep resolutions. But even if your commitment is crumbling, don’t give up.
Those who succeed in changing their behavior exhibit six strategies that lead to success.  Research shows that implementing a combination of any four of the following tactics can help you follow through. 
        •  Create an environment that will help you achieve your goal. If you resolve to cut spending, leave credit cards home or consider canceling all but one, and stay away from shopping malls and shopping Web sites. If your goal is to lose weight, stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid fast foods, which can contribute significantly to obesity.
        •  Identify motivation.Make sure your motives align with your values. What matters most?  Perhaps a resolution to do a kind deed daily for someone else or to spend more time with family and friends is more meaningful to you than a self improvement goal. 
        •  Increase your skills.If your resolution is to save money, gain expertise by learning more about budgeting and personal finance.   
        •  Enlist the help of others.Get reinforcement from family, friends and colleagues. They can boost your confidence when willpower starts to slip.
•   Stay away from social situations and people who may not be supportive. Two resolutions that make the top ten list every year include “stop smoking” and “stop drinking.” If you are working on either of these, this tip is particularly important for you.
 •       Reward yourself.Measure small milestones and be sure to celebrate success.
Before giving up on your New Year’s resolutions, pick four of these strategies and get back in the game. You can still achieve your goals.
         Direct column topics to Julene Reese, Utah State University Extension, Logan, UT 84322-4900, 435-797-0810; julener@ext.usu.edu


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