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Climate Change Report CoverThe Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) released a report “Colorado Climate Change: A Synthesis to Support Water Resource Management and Adaptation” in connection with the Governor’s Conference on Managing Drought and Climate Risk, October 8-10, 2008, in Denver. The report focuses on observed trends and projections of temperature, precipitation, snow and runoff.

The report gives water resource managers a synthesis of the best scientific knowledge of what is expected for Colorado’s climate over the next few decades to help them plan now for drought and adaptation to climate change.

This new scientific assessment of Colorado climate change was prepared by the Western Water Assessment (WWA), a University of Colorado-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration partnership, and included scientists from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, the CU Cooperative Institute for Research into Environmental Sciences, and Colorado State University Colorado Climate Center.

Climate Change in Colorado Report at a Glance

PDF - Fact Sheet Climate Change in Colorado Fact Sheet

Climate Change in Colorado Report
The report has been broken into sections for easier reading and downloading.  If you wish to download the document in its entirety, you may do so using the link at the bottom of the table. 

Section # Title


PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Climate Change in Colorado Report Cover


PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Acknowledgements


PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Contents


PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Executive Summary


PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Introduction


PDF - SWSI Report Section The Observed Record of Colorado Climate


PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section A Primer on Climate Models, Emissions Scenarios, and Downscaling


PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Climate Attribution


PDF - SWSI Report Section Climate Projections


PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Implications of Changing Climate for Colorado's Water Resources

PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section References

PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Resources

PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Glossary

PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Acronym List

PDF - Climate Change in Colorado Report Section Contributors

PDF - SWSI Report Section Climate Change in Colorado: A Synthesis to Support Water Resources Management and Adaptation - Full Report

Related Materials
PDF - Press Release Initial Press Release - October 6, 2008