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MODS User Guidelines
Version 3

Index of MODS Elements by Element Name

<abstract> - Abstract
<accessCondition> - Access Condition
<affiliation> - Affiliation
<area> - Area
<caption> - Caption
<cartographics> - Cartographics
<city> - City
<citySection> - City Section
<classification> - Classification
<continent> - Continent
<coordinates> - Coordinates
<copyInformation> - Copy Information
<copyrightDate> - Copyright Date
<county> - County
<country> - Country
<date> - Date
<dateCaptured> - Date Captured
<dateCreated> - Date Created
<dateIssued> - Date Issued
<dateModified> - Date Modified
<dateOther> - Date Other
<dateValid> - Date Valid
<description> - Description
<descriptionStandard> - Description Standard
<detail> - Detail
<digitalOrigin> - Digital Origin
<displayForm> - Display Form
<edition> - Edition
<electronicLocator> - Electronic Locator
<end> - End
<enumerationAndChronology> - Enumeration and Chronology
<extension> - Extension
<extent> - Extent
<extent> - Extent ( under <part>)
<extraterrestrialArea> - Extraterrestrial Area
<form> - Form
<form> - Form (under holdingSimple)
<frequency> - Frequency
<genre> - Genre
<geographic> - Geographic
<geographicCode> - Geographic Code
<hierarchicalGeographic> - Hierarchical Geographic
<holdingExternal> - Holding External
<holdingSimple> - Holding Simple
<identifier> - Identifier
<internetMediaType> - Internet Media Type
<island> - Island
<issuance> - Issuance
<language> - Language
<languageOfCataloging> - Language of Cataloging
<languageTerm> - Language Term
<list> - List
<location> - Location
<mods> - MODS
<modsCollection> - MODS Collection
<name> - Name
<name> (under <Subject>) - Name
<namePart> - Name Part
<nonSort> - Nonfiling/Nonsorting Text
<note> - Note
<note> - Note (under <physicalDescription>)
<note> - Note (under holdingSimple)
<number> - Number
<occupation> - Occupation
<originInfo> -Origin Information
<part> - Part
<partName> - Part Name
<partNumber> - Part Number
<physicalDescription>- Physical Description
<physicalLocation> - Physical Location
<place> - Place
<placeTerm> - Place Term
<projection> - Projection
<province> - Province
<publisher> - Publisher
<recordChangeDate> - Record Change Date
<recordCreationDate> - Record Creation Date
<recordContentSource> - Record Content Source
<recordIdentifier> - Record Identifier
<recordInfo> - Record Information
<recordOrigin> - Record Origin
<reformattingQuality> - Reformatting Quality
<region> - Region
<relatedItem> - Related Item
<role> - Role
<roleTerm> - Role Term
<scale> - Scale
<shelfLocator> - Shelf Locator (under <location>;
<shelfLocator> - Shelf Locator ( under <holdingSimple>)
<start> - Start
<state> - State
<subject> - Subject
<subTitle> - Subtitle
<tableOfContents> - Table of Contents
<targetAudience> - Target Audience
<temporal> - Temporal
<territory> - Territory
<text> - Text
<title> - Title
<title> - Title (under <detail> <part>)
<titleInfo> - Title Information
<titleInfo> (under <subject>) - Title Information
<topic> - Topic
<total> - Total
<typeOfResource> - Type of Resource
<url> - URL

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