UC's impact — public investment at work

Growing agriculture

As California’s land-grant institution, UC has provided our farmers and ranchers with the cutting-edge research and new technology they need to stay competitive in global markets.

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Improving food safety

From field to fork, UC researchers are helping to keep the food system safe. See video of how California growers and processors are working with UC scientists to study the biology, ecology and possible sources of E. coli in agricultural systems.


“We see UC’s direct impact in agriculture every day. We’re a small industry. We don’t get past the receptionist. That’s why the UC relationship is so critical.”

-- Albert Keck, Thermal date farmer (Hadley Inc.)

Developing food varieties

Since the 1940s, UC researchers have developed dozens of varieties of fruits and vegetables, including grapes, strawberries, tangerines and spineless artichokes.


Maintaining the environment

From monitoring dairy wastewater to advancing sustainable agriculture, UC researchers are helping ranchers and farmers manage their operations more efficiently, reducing their impact on the environment.


Did you know?

  • When UC researchers discovered in the late 1800s how to remove salts from the soils of California’s Central Valley, they took their research directly to the fields, turning what was once barren alkaline land into the most productive agricultural region in the world.
  • UC Davis trains the state’s vintners and certifies more than 95% of wine grapevines, ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality, disease-free rootstock for California’s multibillion-dollar wine industry.


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