What is a PDF file?

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It's a distribution format developed by Adobe Corporation to allow electronic information to be transferred between various types of computers. The software which allows this transfer is called Acrobat. In order to view and print a PDF file you will first need to download and install a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Access.Adobe.Com is a tool that allows blind and visually impaired users to read any document in Adobe PDF format. The tool converts PDF documents into simple HTML or ASCII text which can then be read by a number of common screen reading programs that synthesize the HTML as audible speech. If you are using a screen reader, download the Access plug-in as well. The Adobe Access plugin is located at http://access.adobe.com.

To download and install Acrobat Reader, please visit Adobe's download page.

You can also translate a PDF file into text or html and have it sent to your e-mail address. To use the TRACE center options:

Send an e-mail message to pdf2txt@sun.trace.wisc.edu with the URL of the PDF file in the body of the message and a plain ASCII text file is returned
Send an e-mail message to pdf2html@sun.trace.wisc.edu with the URL of the PDF file in the body of the message, an HTML file is return

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