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Homebuyer Education eCourse: A Place of Your Own

Mary Yearns ,
An online course to help first-time homebuyers learn about the process of buying a home. The course is available anytime, anywhere from any computer with Internet access. At the end of five lessons, there’s a certification exam. When you pass the exam you receive a homebuyer’s certificate which you may take to a local lender. Computers at public libraries, ISU Extension county offices across the state or USDA offices are options if you don't own a computer. This online course will help you • decide if now is a good time to buy a home • prepare for the home buying process and • shop for a mortgage that works for you.

Department(s): Housing
Pages / Length: 5 lessons & quizzes. 1-final exam
Publication Date: 06/2007
Copies in Stock: 9175

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