

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in joining the National Aquaculture Educators Network (NAEN). 

There are ongoing efforts among aquaculture educators (Extension Specialists, VoAg, university, and secondary school instructors, curriculum developers etc.) to provide educational materials for secondary school and university students.  However, these efforts tend to be fragmented and inconsistent.   The National Aquaculture Educators Network (NAEN)  is being developed to help coordinate and develop these efforts.  The NAEN will involve multiple universities, state and federal agencies, interested secondary school teachers, aquaculture interest groups and suppliers as well as other parties. 

Our primary goal is to find individuals who share a passion for aquaculture education and are interested in a networking opportunity:

  • To help educators motivate students using aquaculture and water-related topics in science as well as in math, language arts, social studies and the fine arts

  • To develop and share curriculum materials, hold workshops, provide in-service teacher training, and facilitates networking among teachers and other educators.

  • To stimulate communication among all persons interested in developing aquaculture and preserving the aquatic environment

  • To provide opportunities for the study of aquaculture and aquatic environments

  • To create an enthusiastic, dynamic, and dedicated team of educators, and scientists who recognize the importance of aquaculture and the vital role it plays in global food production and other areas.

  • To develop an aquaculture literate society and promote awareness of aquatic systems by integrating aquaculture into existing curricula.

  • To provide opportunities for personal and professional development

To subscribe to the NAEN list serve:

Send an email from your personal email program to with only the following text in the body of the email.

subscribe naen

You will then receive an an email asking you to confirm your desire to join the list, followed by a welcome message.  This list will serve as a method of communication between members and a means for us to let you know how the organization is developing, including new resources and opportunities. 

Help us Get to know you, your interests, and your needs

Also please a moment to answer a few survey questions so that we can get to know you and your program/interests.  We have developed 3 surveys based on the members relationship to the network.  Choose the appropriate category below and click on the link to complete the survey.  Thanks.

K-12 Educators Survey

University, Government, and Extension Survey

Aquaculture Producer, Industry or Educational Supplier Survey


Department of Fisheries & llied Aquacultures
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