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View the film: "A Good Run"

You'll laugh… You'll cry… You'll discover why Life is Better with a Boat! Watch this short film that celebrates memories made taking life's journey by boat.

I BOAT NJ Ninth Cycle Proposals Due January 26, 2009

I BOAT NJ proposals are due to New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Office of Maritime Resources (NJDOT/OMR) no later than noon on January 26, 2009. Additional program information is available.

NBIG FY'09 Proposals Due September 26, 2008

NJDOT/OMR is now accepting Letters of Interest (LOI) for the National Boating Infrastructure Grant program, FY'09. Draft proposals are due by September 26, 2008; final proposals are due October 27, 2008. Following a LOI submission, applicants must schedule a site visit with the Program Manager. Application information is available.

Rules and Regulations

United States Coast Guard (USCG) Local Notice to Mariners - Weekly Edition
The USCG publishes a weekly Notice to Mariners. Information relevant to local waterways and changes to regulations in the Fifth Coast Guard District are posted as notices of Proposed Rule Making (pdf).  The Fifth Coast Guard District covers coastal waters from the Shrewsbury River, New Jersey to Little River, South Carolina.

New Boating Safety Regulations take effect June 1, 2006
A bill requiring a boating safety course to operate a boat on state waters and revising other recreational boating laws was passed by the legislature and signed on January 9, 2006. The bill can be viewed on the New Jersey Legislature Web site by searching for Bill Number A2624 in the 2004-2005 legislative session. A list of important questions and answers regarding the boating safety course requirement can be found by clicking on Boaters Click Here! on the MTA/NJ web site.

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  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  September 19, 2008