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Home › Tours & Ongoing Activities › Portrait Gallery Tours & Ongoing Activities
Visitor Information
Group Tours
Join the Smithsonian
Highlights Tours
(walk-in; meet at F St. info desk)
(All walk-in tours subject to docent availability)

• Mon.-Fri., 11:45 AM, except Tues., Jan. 20, as announced,

and also at 2:15 PM on the dates below:
- Mon., Jan. 19
- Wed., Jan. 21
- Thurs., Jan. 29
- Fri., Jan. 30

• Sat. and Sun., 11:45 AM

and also at 3:15 PM on the dates below:
- Sat., Jan. 17
- Sun., Jan. 18

Special Tours: Docent's Choice
(walk-in; meet at F St. info desk)

Docents may choose to offer a Highlights, America's Presidents, or a Special Exhibition tour.

(All walk-in tours subject to docent availability)

• Most Mon.-Fri., 1 PM
• Most Sat. and Sun., 1:30 PM

- Tues., Jan. 20, tour as announced by docent

Note: Spanish-language tours generally offered the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month (if no Spanish speakers attend, tour is offered in English); however:
- In January, the Spanish-language tour is offered only on Sat., Jan. 3.

Group and Thematic Tours: School
(by appointment; 1-month notice required)

• Call Mon.-Fri., 8 AM-4 PM, except federal holidays: 202-633-8503 (voice/answering machine)
• E-Mail:

Group and Thematic Tours: Non-School
(by appointment; 2-month notice required)

• Call Mon.-Thurs., 9:30 AM-5 PM, except federal holidays: 202-633-8519 (voice/answering machine)

• E-mail:

Tours for Visitors with Hearing or Visual Impairments
(by appointment, 1-month notice required)

• Call Mon.-Thurs., 9:30 AM-5 PM, except federal holidays: 202-633-8500 (voice/answering machine)

• E-mail:
- School Groups:
- Non-School Groups and Individuals:

Lunder Conservation Center Activity: Conservation Clinic
(by appointment only; call 202-633-8378 or email and specify "CLINIC" in the subject line)

Do you have questions about the condition of a painting, frame, drawing, print, or sculpture that you own? Museum conservators are available to consult with you about the preservation of your art.

• 1st Wednesday of every month, 9-11 AM

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