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The CWCB's public documents are available through Laserfiche's WebLink, a centralized electronic document archival, retrieval and management system.  Documents are indexed and can be searched by index data or through a full-text search.  To search the entire library of information, use only the full-text search (close the Field search).  To search a specific area of interest, use the Field search and select a template.  The two types of searches can be used separately or in conjunction with one another.  If either the Text or Field search is not available, click the "Customize Search" dropdown to select the search desired. Documents retrieved can be downloaded as a PDF or printed.  Please note that large documents downloaded over a slow internet connection can take a considerable amount of time.

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The Watershed Protection & Flood Mitigation Program assists in the prevention of flood damages and includes several programmatic areas to accomplish the mission and goals of the section. Key elements of the section include 1) Designation and approval of 100-year floodplain information for use by local government entities, 2) Technical and financial assistance for flood hazard identification (floodplain studies), 3) Flood hazard mitigation (flood control) studies and projects, 4) Flood response and recovery, 5) Coordination duties for the National Flood Insurance Program and other partnering programs (federal and non-federal), and 6) Watershed Program administration which includes Stream Restoration and Multi-Objective studies and projects. This section has responsibility for operation & maintenance and right-of-way activities along the South Platte River below Chatfield Reservoir, and performs general engineering services for special projects and flood-related efforts in Colorado. The state’s Weather Modification Permitting Program is also part of this section in addition to Public outreach/education and water information activities. 

The following document classes are available for searching.  Each class will link to the appropriate document class within WebLink, where search fields for the class will be available.

  • Floodplain Documents:  This class contains the documents for all types of CWCB flood-related information and projects.  Document types include:
Document Type Description


Agendas typically have a meeting time, location, date and topics to be discussed at meetings. Documents in this category are generally for the Chatfield Reservoir Reallocation Study or the Colorado Flood Task Force Meetings.

Community File

These are older materials (generally pre-1990’s) organized by community within a specific county.  These files contain correspondence, field data, technical backup, and some computer printouts for hydrologic and hydraulic models.


Watershed Protection & Flood Mitigation Program contracts that relate to specific projects, studies, grants, or services.  Contracts for all the various types of projects we work on will be in this cateogry.


Documents such as transmittal memos, letters, review comments, community requests, and other written correspondence related to floodplain management activities in Colorado.  Also included are resolutions, request letters and review forms for designated floodplain information.

Current FEMA Regulatory Floodplain Information

The CWCB is a Coordinating Technical Partner with FEMA and assist local communities with the funding, contracting, and development of FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) and Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) that are outside of the six county Denver Metro Area. In this category you will also find the map revisions (LOMR, CLOMR, LOMR-F).

Data (general)

Hydrologic models, hydraulic models (e.g., HEC-2 runs), survey data, cross section data. Also included: engineering input and/or output files, usually related to hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for floodplain delineation and related studies. Files may include HEC-1 and HEC-2 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) water modeling programs). Computer printouts are limited, and the CWCB does not possess modeling runs all studies in Colorado.

Drawing / Map

These are maps and drawings that are usually produced as part of a floodplain mapping study and are typically oversized sheets (e.g., 24” by 36”) but sizes may vary and therefore loading times will vary as well. Maps from river restoration projects, precipitation and flood events will be in this category.


These are documents related to the South Platte River Easements granted to applicants (private and public entities) within lands owned by the CWCB along the South Platte River downstream of Chatfield reservoir. This category may also house information related to operations and maintenance of the South Platte River downstream of Chatfield Reservoir.

Educational/Technical/Reference Information

This category may maintain various state and federal guidelines and workshop materials. Documents like flood flow guidelines, criteria manuals, rules, regulations, and statutes will be in this category.

Floodplain Report/Masterplan

Floodplain reports usually have a description of the study area, previous flood history, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, and flood inundation maps. Drainage masterplans are similar to Floodplain Information Reports but many of them are for urban areas of Colorado. A community can request that the CWCB designate floodplain information at the state level and submit it for technical review. Both designated and non-designated floodplain reports will be in this category.

Flood Documentation Report

These reports were completed after major flood events in Colorado, and they document estimation of the damages, explanations of the events, maps and rainfall reconstruction.

Flood Mitigation/Flood Warning/Watershed Restoration

Flood Mitigation reports are plans created by the state or local government as planning tools to mitigate flood hazards in a community. A Flood Warning Plan is a plan devised by a community to warn its citizens of eminent flood threats and provide evacuation plans and recovery efforts. Watershed and Multi-Objective Studies focus on multiple aspectes of a stream-related improvement need. For example, the Roaring Fork Multi-Objective Study recommended approaches to prevent flooding, while improving the habitat, recreational opportunities and stability of the river.

Historic FEMA Regulatory Floodplain Information

In addition to having current Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Insurance Studies the CWCB maintains electronic copies of the previous studies. This category is the old studies and maps. Please use the Current Regulatory Floodplain Information category for assistance in determining whether a site is in or out of the floodplain.
Meeting Summary This category is mainly for on-going project meeting summaries.  The CWCB provides summaries of the Colorado Flood Task Force meetings and the Chatfield Reservoir Reallocation Study.


These floodplain related documents do not fit neatly into another category and therefore this category is the catch-all for unusual materials and may contain information from entities other than the CWCB.


This category includes still photographs throughout Colorado for historic flood events, floodplain related projects and studies, and general interest photos related to stream corridors, snow pack, and other related topics. Aerial Photographs are also available for viewing through the CWCB office. Aerial photos contain a cover sheet, identifying information such as date, community and other similar information, which should be provided when asking to see these photos.
Presentation/Handout This category is for documents handed out or presented at project or program meetings.


Final reports and other technical documents related to a project that does not directly pertain to a floodplain study or flood hazard mitigation activity. Documents related to water resource planning projects will also be in this category.
Resolution This category is for the CWCB floodplain information designation and approval process. Communities ask the CWCB to designate floodplain information at the State level.  This category may also have resolutions of support for various initiatives, programs and projects.  Resolutions other than the CWCB Floodplain designation resolutions are often resolutions supporting legislation or initiatives and can come from non profits, associations, local, state and federal agencies.
  • Watershed Protection:  This class contains information relating to stream protection and restoration projects.  Document types include:
Document Type Description


Agendas typically have a meeting time, date and topics to be discussed at meetings.  Documents in this category are generally for workshops and planning meetings.


Watershed protection contracts that relate to specific projects, studies, grants or services.


Documents such as transmittal memos, letters, review comments and community requests related to watershed projects and planning efforts.


Hydrologic models, hydraulic models, survey data (including cross sections and pebble counts) and GIS data.


Maps and drawings produced as part of a watershed plan or stream restoration design.

Educational/Technical/Reference Information

This category includes state and federal guidelines, workshop materials and restoration reference material.

Meeting Summary 

This category is for on-going project meeting summaries.


These watershed documents do not fit into another category.


This category contains photographs or stream and restoration and protection activities.


This category is for documents handed out or presented at project or program meetings.

Planning Report

These reports relate to planning efforts in watershed and stream restoration and protection.

Project Report

These reports relate to project efforts in watershed and stream restoration and protection.
  • Weather Modification:  This class contains the documents for all types of CWCB weather modification permit information and projects.  Document types include:
Document Type Description


Weather modification permit applications.

Approval Letter

Transmittal memos, cover letters or approval letters related to weather modification permits.


Contracts for weather modification projects that require funding.


This is communication back and forth between the CWCB and federal agencies, other states, permit holders, project sponsors and the Attorney General’s office. By nature some correspondence is confidential pertaining to weather modification permits.

General Information

General weather modification materials, including letters from the public, news articles, maps and data.


The CWCB offers grants to ground based wintertime cloud seeding operational projects with a goal of increased snowpack for water resources. This category can also include grants from federal agencies and other states for weather modification operations and applied research projects.

Insurance Certificates

Contractors that operate the weather modification permits are required to carry a $1 million liability insurance policy naming the project sponsors and the State of Colorado as additional entities that are insured. For each permitted project, contractors must maintain insurance for operations that year.

License & Permits

Documents include licenses required to be a weather modification operator (only prior to 1996) and weather modification permits.

Proof of Public Notice

Legal notices referring to weather modification projects.

Public Hearing

Weather modification permit hearings are open to the public. Proponents and the opposition of a proposed project are free to submit exhibits to aide in developing the record of decision and recommendation to deny or approve a permit, including studies, books, reports, letters, etc.

Record of Decision

The Record of Decision attempts to resolve conflicts between parties; recommendations may become conditions in the operations of a permitted weather modification program.


This category includes reports from the CWCB to its Board Members as well as reports from other states shared with the CWCB and federal agencies. This category also includes reports from permit holders that are required by statute to report to the CWCB on snowpack conditions and suspend operations based on set criteria that limits operations to the realm of natural variability.


Current Colorado State Rules, regulations, and statutes referring to the Weather Modification Operations in Colorado.  May also include congressional bills, professional organization resolutions, state bills, etc.

Scientific Study

This category refers to applied research projects, evaluations of design and execution of operations, and other studies related to the field of weather modification. As there is no central warehouse for studies and reports the CWCB encourages entities to submit reports related to cloud seeding.