Center for Cultural Research

The Center for Cultural Research at College of Menominee Nation (CCR) was established in 2006. Center staff carry out a series of activities that include teaching, research, applied consultation for public and private sector clients, and works in support of and in consultation with the Menominee Historic Preservation Office and its designated Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO). Center staff also provides public programs in the form of workshops, para-professional training, and academic support to those interested in degree programs in Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Historical Architecture, or related disciplines.

These areas of study at the graduate level are requirements to qualify for Historic Preservation positions in national, local, and state governments and also in private industry. CRR also provides temporary curation management services to the THPO for documentation of archaeological collections.


  1. Teaching Pre-Contact History of the Menominee Nation (History 122). Course is offered in the fall semester at CMN.
  2. Archaeological workshops for the Menominee Community (Anthropology 299). Participate in identifying and evaluating historic and prehistoric archaeological sites. Generally held in the summer.
  3. Archaeological workshops for Menominee Tribal Employees. Para-professional certification.
  4. Cultural resource surveys in support of the Menominee Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
  5. Development of a National Wolf River Archaeological District in consultation with the Menominee THPO, the National Park Service, and the National Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
  6. Support program efforts of the Menominee Historic Preservation Department to identify, preserve, and interpret historic and prehistoric sites and properties within the boundaries of the Menominee Reservation.
  7. Provide consulting services for Section 106 compliance to Federal, State, and Municipalities as well as to private sector clients.
  8. Provide collections management and curation for Menominee Tribal artifact collections pending establishment of the proposed cultural museum.

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